Our Top 10 Muffin Recipes of All Time

Get the best of the best, from blueberry and banana to bran.

<p>TTV78</p> Banana Crumb Muffins


Banana Crumb Muffins

Is there a more comforting thing to bake than muffins? Take simple, one-bowl recipes, add fast baking times, and you essentially get a cupcake you’re allowed to eat for breakfast. I’m a huge muffin fan, whether for a healthy spin to start the day or an indulgent companion to coffee or tea. Join my muffin madness with Allrecipes’ top 10 favorite muffin recipes, from blueberry and banana to bran. Bonus? All these muffins freeze beautifully, so you can bake big batches and have them on hand whenever you want them. Which—trust me—will be all the time!

To Die For Blueberry Muffins

<p>cook4fun1</p> To Die For Blueberry Muffins


To Die For Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry muffins are probably the single most popular muffin of all time. They are like the Beyonce of muffins. And this recipe is called "To Die For" for a reason. Generously sized with a little bit of crunch in the sugary topping, these are the blueberry ideal. if you only make one muffin, this is the one to make.

Banana Muffins

Dianne Banana Muffins
Dianne Banana Muffins

Banana muffins are everything you want in a muffin: essentially cake you can eat with your hands. And if you love banana bread, these banana muffins will be your new favorite bake. They take less than 10 minutes to prep, and are simple enough to allow the kids to pitch in and help.

Chocolate Chip Muffins

<p>Ilana “Ana” Llama</p> Chocolate Chip Muffins

Ilana “Ana” Llama

Chocolate Chip Muffins

Some of the best muffins land in that sweet spot between breakfast pastry and dessert. None work better than these chocolate chip muffins. Coming out of the oven with a tender crumb and pops of chocolate, they feel luxurious but are still justifiable before noon.

Best-Ever Muffins

<p>Steph T</p> Best Ever Muffins

Steph T

Best Ever Muffins

Do you want a choose-your-own-adventure muffin? Start with our best ever muffin batter and then go to town with your favorite mix-ins and toppings. You can even have everyone in your family customize their own!

Classic Bran Muffins

<p>jessicacalkins</p> Classic Bran Muffins


Classic Bran Muffins

Just because a muffin is good for you, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be delicious. A bran muffin might sound like punishment, but actually, when done well like in this recipe, the nutty flavor and texture is a pleasure to eat! Consider the health benefits a bonus.

Banana Oat Muffins

<p>Lizzy731</p> Banana Oat Muffins


Banana Oat Muffins

There isn’t always time to make a hearty bowl of oatmeal in the morning, but if you need that energy boosting breakfast on the go, try these banana-oat muffins. They’re a portable treat packed with everything you need to start your day.

Moist Chocolate Muffins

<p>Lily</p> Moist Chocolate Muffins


Moist Chocolate Muffins

It’s my favorite secret that the only difference between a chocolate muffin you can eat for breakfast and a chocolate cupcake that needs to be saved for dessert is the frosting. These moist chocolate muffins are studded with chocolate chips, so no frosting = breakfast treat! Of course, if you want to frost the extras and serve as dessert, who am I to tell you no?

Zucchini-Chocolate Chip Muffins

<p>Stefanie</p> Zucchini-Chocolate Chip Muffins


Zucchini-Chocolate Chip Muffins

Muffins are a great way to sneak vegetables into your kids’ diets (or yours!). So, when your garden is overflowing with zucchini this season, save some for these muffins. Kids will come for the chocolate chips, but get all the benefits of the zucchini.

Ultimate Banana Muffins

<p>lutzflcat</p> Ultimate Banana Muffins


Ultimate Banana Muffins

If you have overripe bananas, help them realize their full potential in these ultimate banana muffins. Moist and tender with crunchy walnuts, these beauties might inspire you to overbuy bananas on purpose.

Banana Crumb Muffins

<p>TTV78</p> Banana Crumb Muffins


Banana Crumb Muffins

Coffee cake lovers, pay attention! These banana muffins get an extra boost of texture and flavor from their sweet, crumb topping. The result is little individual coffee cakes—what a sweet idea.