Can Too Much Social Media Ruin a Relationship? YouTube Sensation and Actress Lilly Singh Weighs In

One tweet too many can put the brakes on falling in love.
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Social media and relationships often go hand in hand. It’s only become natural in tech-savvy 2018 for a phone to be out on the table at a dinner. After all, people share their anniversary dinner dates on Facebook. (Rack of lamb and mint jelly included!) Maybe they tweet adorable, lip-locked couple’s photos. (So close you can see the lipstick shade!) But when is it overboard? YouTube sensation and actress Lilly Singh, who has made a career out of uploading content and has included dating spoofs in her video series, admits that too much social media can be nerve-racking when it comes to building meaningful relationships—even when it comes to the perfect guy.

So, when is the breaking point? Is it tweeting too much during a romantic dinner? Snapchatting a significant other constantly? From Singh’s experience, being too textually active is a slow mood killer when it comes to getting to know a person on a face-to-face basis. And also, she asks the question: Why the need to put everything on the Internet? Here, see how Singh deals with a glued-to-his-phone boyfriend prospect in this edition of Sad Hot Girls.

Lilly Singh in:
Olivia von Halle pajama top and bottoms and Giuseppe Zanotti shoes. Dôen dress, J. Galt USA top, and Roger Vivier shoes; Sies Marjan shirt, Liana tank top, TL-180 pants, Martiniano shoes, and Ariana Boussard-Reifel earrings worn throughout.

Director: Zoe Lister-Jones
Fashion Editor: Alexandra Gurvitch
Story Editor: Liana Satenstein
DP: Meena Singh
Second Camera: Judy Phu
Hair: Ashley Lynn Hall
Makeup: Kristina Brown
Manicure: Betina Goldstein
Set Design: Coryander Friend
Sound: Olivia Arthur
Editor: Jesse Threatt

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