Too Close For Comfort: This Sketchy Doubles Cradle Carve Is Hectic To Watch

This is pretty terrifying to watch, I'm not going to lie. I mean, before I pressed play I assumed they'd be rolling away...but still, as each second passes, you aren't fully sure if they're going to collide or somehow make it out unscathed.

Hannes Bauhofer and Luggi Fellner are wild for this one! This is hectic.

First off, calculating these carves to sync up perfectly had to have taken some time. I mean, some serious trial and error...and the outcome of the errors could prove to be pretty...painful.

Or was this somehow first try? Full confidence, drop in, hold your breath and hope for the best. While both outcomes are unarguably impressive in their own right, I'm more impressed by their sheer confidence (and speed) these two have while approaching the cradle.

You're really leaving it up to fate (and maybe a little to physics?) to pull this off. Anyone who has ever carved a cradle like this knows damn well just how much they shoot you as you push into that carve.

But I suppose all of that is neither here nor there. These two pulled this off with style and confidence; control and speed. And I have nothing but respect for them both!

Video / @luggi_fellner

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