Tony Mantuano's Sweet Apocalypse


F&W asked chefs around the country how they would prepare for an apocalyptic situation, a la The Road. Some went for luxury goods—others focused on survival.

When the world ends and we need to sweeten our last cup of chamomile, we know who to go to for killer honey: Chicago chef Tony Mantuano of Spiaggia and Terzo Piano. His apocalyptic shopping list is fairly simple, save for one ultra-specific item. He would pack quality olive oil, balsamic vinegar, flour, Parmesan cheese and honey from Mieli Thun in Italy. "It is the most incredible monofloral honey," he says. "They have chestnut honey, artichoke honey. It's made by this nomadic beekeeper who takes the bees to wherever certain flowers are blossoming."

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