TONIGHT AT 5:30: Is full-time travel cheaper than your mortgage or rent?

Buying a home costs more now than ever before as prices continue to peak and mortgage rates continue to rise.

An renters, especially in Western Washington, are feeling the pinch, too.

That’s got some people thinking: What if you could trade everything — your house, your bills, your chores — and at the end of the day, pay less?

We met a few people doing just that: Trading their everyday grind in Seattle for full-time travel.

One Seattle couple sold their home three years ago to live on cruise ships. They’ve never looked back.

Then we found another person, a Ballard resident, currently living at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico just to see if it’s truly cheaper — and easier — than his current day-to-day routine.

“People never considered the fact that there is an alternate way of living. You could live a different quality of life if you wanted to reinvent the thinking of how a traditional life is supposed to look,” said Ben Keenan, who’s living at an all-inclusive resort.

Ben says this is definitely more of a social experiment for him. He’s about halfway through his stay right now.

Tonight at 5:30, we are going to do a deep dive on this and compare prices to see if living full-time on a cruise ship or at an all-inclusive resort is truly cheaper than your current rent or mortgage.