Tomato Plant Growth Timeline: the 7 Stages (With Pictures)

<p>Sean Gallup / Getty Images</p>

Sean Gallup / Getty Images

The type of tomato you choose to plant determines how long the tomatoes take to grow but they all essentially go through the same stages of growth. Different cultivars may take anywhere from 60 to 100 days to harvest after transplanting the seedlings into the garden. However, knowing more about the seven stages of growth can help track your plant's progression. Learn the signs of each growth stage of tomatoes to know when to harvest your fruit.

Beginner Info

  • The seven stages of tomato growth range from germination to ripening.

  • The first two stages of tomato growth occur indoors where it's warm.

  • The third stage of tomato growth occurs when soil temperatures reach 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit so the seedlings can be transplanted outdoors or into pots.

  • Fruits appear during the sixth stage of growth.

  • Determinate varieties (single harvest) typically go through the stages of growth faster than indeterminate types (multiple harvests).

Growth Stage

Days Spent in Stage

Key Growth Signs


6 to 8

Green sprout appears above soil

Early Growth

25 to 35

True leaves and roots

Vegetative Growth

20 to 25

Vines lengthen, foliage and roots grow, flowers start to emerge



Yellow flowers appear and open



Occurs throughout flowering

Fruit Formation

20 to 30

Small green fruits appear and grow


15 to 20

Red color develops

Germination Stage

<p>Albert Fertl/Getty Images</p>

Albert Fertl/Getty Images

Tomato seeds are generally sown four to six weeks before the final frost in your area. Seeds started indoors sprout six to eight days after they're planted. When seeds germinate, that's the first stage of your tomato plant's life cycle.

Early Growth Stage

<p>Barbara Rich/Getty Images</p>

Barbara Rich/Getty Images

The second stage of tomato plant growth is when the seedlings begin developing a root system. At this stage, the plant is also growing its true leaves that it'll soon use for photosynthesis.

This stage also takes place indoors in a warm and sheltered environment with plenty of available sunshine. You'll continue to grow plants indoors, keeping the soil moist and not wet.


If you've seeded into cells, watch for roots to fill the space. Plants will take up water quickly and dry out quickly. These are signs the seedling is starting into the vegetative growth stage and should be transferred into a larger pot or the garden.

Vegetative Growth Stage

<p>Maksims Grigorjevs/Getty Images</p>

Maksims Grigorjevs/Getty Images

The third stage of your tomato plant's growth happens when you transplant tomato seedlings into the garden or a container and vegetative growth starts. Soil temperatures should remain between 65 to 70 degrees outdoors for successful transplanting.

Vines and lush leaves will rapidly grow over the next 20 to 25 days. The tap roots of the plant will grow down 3 feet to anchor the plant when it becomes heavy with fruit. Shallow roots will grow in the top 8 to 12 inches of the soil to absorb nutrients.

This stage marks the time for three more tasks:

  • Set up a consistent watering schedule to give tomato plants 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Watering at the soil level to reduce fungal diseases caused by wet foliage.

  • Compost or feed the plants a balanced 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer to support healthy vegetative growth.

  • Prune out suckers for better air circulation.

Flowering Stage

<p>Aleksandr Zubkov/Getty Images</p>

Aleksandr Zubkov/Getty Images

The fourth stage somewhat overlaps with the third stage. The plants will be about 12 to 18 inches tall and you'll see small yellow flowers blooming.

Determinate tomatoes produce all of their flowers at the same time. Indeterminate types will flower all season long.

During this stage, temperature swings may cause your plant to lose flowers. Flower loss may occur when daytime temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit or nighttime temperatures dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pollination Stage

<p>ajcespedes/Getty Images</p>

ajcespedes/Getty Images

The fifth stage is pollination. Tomato flowers pollinate themselves with the help of wind, insects (like bumblebees), and movement around the plants. Flowers need to be fully opened for successful pollination. You'll spot bright yellow pollen on the flower anthers or fallen onto petals and surrounding leaves.


When daytime temperatures exceed 85 degrees, pollen becomes too sticky to move between the male and female plant parts. Pollination fails, fruit doesn't form, and flowers drop.

Fruit Formation Stage

<p>Huizeng Hu/Getty Images</p>

Huizeng Hu/Getty Images

When a flower is successfully pollinated the center turns dark and it falls from the plant in about 24 hours. When the flower stem turns green it is preparing to enter the sixth stage of producing fruit, otherwise it turns yellow.

This sixth stage of tomato plant growth happens over the next two to three weeks when small green fruits about the size of marbles appear. The initial growth is slow during the first two weeks but it's followed by a rapid growth period of three to five weeks.

Support good fruit development by fertilizing the plant with an NPK lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorous and potassium and keep watering plants. Dry plants produce small fruit or the fruits fail to develop and fall off.

Ripening Stage

<p>ignatiev/Getty Images</p>

ignatiev/Getty Images

The final and seventh stage of a tomato plant's growth is when the fruits ripen. This typically happens when optimal temperatures fall between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. At this stage, it's important to manage the plant's water and light.

  • Reduce watering: When the first blush of color appears on the fruit, reduce watering to encourage the production of pigments that give tomatoes their red color. Reducing water also increases the flavor of the fruit.

  • Reduce sunlight: The temperature during this stage is more important than how much light the plant receives. Too much sunlight can slow down this ripening stage and cause sunscald (pale yellow or white spot on the side where the tomato faces the sun), uneven ripening (green shoulders), and flavor loss.

You'll know your tomatoes are fully ripe when they have a tangy fragrance, even color from stem to blossom end, and a firm but slight give to the skin when pressed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 7 stages of a tomato plant?

The seven stages of a tomato plant's growth are germination, early growth, vegetative growth, flowering, pollination, fruit formation, and ripening

How long is the life cycle of a tomato plant?

The life cycle of a tomato plant depends on its cultivar or variety. Small determinate fruits develop more quickly while indeterminate tomatoes, like beefsteak and many heirloom varieties, take longer. Generally, it takes from 60 to 100 days from germination to harvest. Some very early cultivars such as 'Subarctic' are harvested less than 50 days from when it's transplanted.

How long does it take for a tomato plant to bear fruit?

Depending on the variety, tomato plants can bear fruit two to three weeks after the flowers are fully open. Several early varieties are bred to bear ripe fruit as early as 50 days from setting out. The average time for most types ranges between 60 and 100 days from when they are transplanted.

Read the original article on The Spruce.