The Toddler Target Toilet Light Aims to Make Potty Training Fun

February 19, 2019

Potty training boys can be tough, because getting your little guy to stand on a stool and go is only part of the process. The next step is working on his aim so that his pee actually ends up in the toilet. It's target practice, essentially, so it makes sense that a device called the Toddler Target is helping boys improve their aim game.

This potty training tool works by shining a green laser bullseye onto the bottom of your toilet bowl. Aiming for the bullseye can help turn potty training into a fun game rather than something that's scary or just plain boring.

The Toddler Target, which retails for $29.98, turns on and off via motion sensor. This allows your little guy to aim for that bullseye even when you're not in the bathroom with him, helping to encourage independent potty training.

And little boys aren't the only ones who can benefit from this toilet training technology. As the Toddler Target's website states, this gadget "makes a great night light for parents and anyone that needs to go potty in the middle of the night" and is "also is a useful tool for those grown up toddlers that still struggle with their aim."

It takes practice, and accidents are bound to happen along the way. Plenty of kids also experience potty training regression, and that's totally normal. As Scott J. Goldstein, M.D., a pediatrician at The Northwestern Children's Practice in Chicago, previously told, "It is very common for occasional setbacks in the early days, months, or even years of potty training."

Stickers, small toys, and other small rewards can help incentivize your little one to stay dry, but verbal praise also goes a long way. If your child does have an accident or miss the mark, so to speak, try not to show any disappointment.

"Despite the frustration of having to head back into accidents and diapers because of toilet-training regression, do everything you can to stay positive," said Wendy Sue Swanson, M.D., a Parents advisor and pediatrician at Seattle Children's Hospital.

As Lisa Asta, M.D., a clinical professor of pediatrics at University of California, San Francisco, said, "You want your children to feel empowered and not worry they're going to be punished if they make a mistake."

So if your little one makes a mess of the toilet seat, the floor or even the wall, don't get upset. It takes time for guys to perfect their aim. Having a green bullseye in the bowl to aim for just makes the process a little more fun.