Tobin Heath at the 2024 MAKERS Conference

Tobin Heath at the 2024 MAKERS Conference

Video Transcript

TOBIN HEATH: And I remember each kind of cycle of our collective bargaining agreements being part of these rooms where each time-- obviously, we were like, here, this is what you're gonna get paid. And we were like, wow, that's nowhere near our worth. And we would be collectively in this room together. And we would be like, we're gonna strike.

That's kind of like the only leverage we knew we had. But that would obviously take away from us doing the playing, which was our dream and our goals and our ambition. So each four years, we would get the bravado of the US Women's National Team and say, we're going to strike. And we'd all be pumped up about it.

And essentially, we would settle for what was inflation. It was very discouraging. But at the same time, these were conversations that led to the biggest decision, which was then to sue our employer.