Tips To Keep Your Workout On Track from Lacey Stone

Tips To Keep Your Workout On Track from Lacey Stone

Celebrity trainer Lacey Stone joins The Doctors to share tips on how to keep on track with your New Year’s resolution workout.

She meets with 3 viewers, Andreya, Lindsey, and Dellany, who are all having trouble keeping up with their workout resolutions, to share some tips that she says will help keep them moving all year long.

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She first shows the viewers "The Slams" move (slamming a medicine ball on the ground while kneeling), which she says works the core and gets your heart rate up.

Next, she has the ladies do the "Alternating Waves" move (raising a heavy rope up and down with your arms), this also works the core, raises your heart rate and engages your lower body and requires balance.

Lastly, she shows the women some fun dance moves, which Lacey calls the most fun thing you can do while working out.

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After working out with Lacey, Dellany says, "15 seconds with Lacey, I don't know one human who would not be motivated by her."

"It's a lifestyle change. You have got to think about it as a long game," Lacey says of keeping your workout resolutions, noting that even if you workout daily for a month that you will not see instant results. She encourages everyone to examine what possible obstacles in your life have kept you from working out and then find out how to fit working out into your busy life.