Tips for Growing a Lawn in Dry Conditions

Growing Grass in the High Desert

 GIRISH LAL/Getty Images
GIRISH LAL/Getty Images

Lawns are subject to much criticism for their water consumption, especially in arid climates where water is a limited resource. The truth is that most lawns are grossly overwatered and do not need nearly as much moisture as homeowners give them. However, lawns must be watered more frequently in arid, desert regions when temperatures rise, humidity drops, and the sun's heat intensifies. Here are some tips for growing a lawn in dry conditions and surviving temporary droughts with minimal use of water.

Water Correctly

In a dry climate, watering correctly means watering less. Weaning a lawn from its over-reliance on water is the first and most important step to a more water-efficient lawn. Grass needs about 1 to 1.5 inches of water a week to survive and thrive.

Water Deeply, but Less Frequently

The common method of automatically watering a lawn each morning is poor practice, as it trains a lawn to need this gulp of water daily. Turfgrasses that get this kind of regular shallow watering tend to grow shallow roots that will die if their daily water fix is denied. And with daily watering practice, much of the water evaporates away—a complete waste of precious moisture.

Limiting water will gradually train your lawn to send down deeper root systems that will be much more efficient at using whatever moisture is in the soil. Even water-loving grass species, such as Kentucky bluegrass, can survive and thrive with much less water than it is usually given. When you water in a dry climate or during periods of drought, do it when evaporation is minimal.

Water in the Morning

Water in the morning before the presence of harsh sun will evaporate away the moisture before it can soak into the soil. Also, avoid watering on windy days when evaporation is accelerated. One weekly watering under the right conditions is much more effective than daily shallow watering.

Adapt to Summer Heat

Your lawn may be the center of family activity in the spring and fall (and in the winter in warmer climates), but the heat of summer and drought conditions require a different approach, both in how you use your lawn and care for it.

During high heat periods, reduce foot traffic on the lawn and keep maintenance practices to a minimum. Aerating and dethatching should be done in cooler seasons, not in summer. Mowing grass to a taller height will shade the soil and keep roots cooler.

Reduce Stress During Drought

Beyond training a lawn to survive with less water, other management techniques support your lawn during times of drought. Avoid significant lawn care maintenance during drought periods, and take your pets to the dog park or on long walks rather than letting them play on the lawn.

Mowing is less necessary as hot, dry weather sets in since it slows the growth of the grass. Avoid mowing altogether during drought periods.

Prioritize the Root System

During drought, grasses can go dormant, but unless there are local watering prohibitions, give just enough water to keep the roots alive. According to turf scientists, turf grasses can go dormant for up to four weeks without permanent damage.

If a drought goes beyond four weeks, water deeply to rehydrate the grass slightly and wet the soil to a depth of 5 inches. Deep watering may not revive the green but will keep the root system alive.

Plant Drought-Tolerant Grasses

In both cool-season and warm-season regions, some grass varieties have lower water needs. A lawn can be replanted or resodded with a grass mix that has lower moisture needs, or it can be converted more gradually by top seeding annually with seeds of a more suitable grass species. Over several years, the more drought-hardy grasses will thrive as others slowly die.

Cool-Season Grasses

Kentucky bluegrass is the most prevalent lawn grass in cool-season regions and is very demanding for water needs. Even in cool-season climates, water availability is becoming a more serious issue, and many homeowners are now replacing Kentucky bluegrass with fescues that require less water and are better able to withstand drought.

Warm-Season Grasses

In warm-season regions, drought-tolerant grasses have been coming into popularity for some time, especially in the southwestern United States. There are many choices for drought-tolerant grass species for warm-season climates. Grass species have been selectively bred to offer drought-tolerant cultivars; some thrive in year-round arid environments while others approach near-dormancy until the rainy season, when they jump back into periods of growth.

Mow Correctly

Lawns are usually mowed too short, but cutting to a longer height in arid climates and drought conditions is essential. Grass blades (referred to as leaves) store most of the plant's moisture; longer grass means more water to supply the plant roots. Longer grass also provides shade to the soil, which keeps it cool and minimizes moisture evaporation.

Amend the Soil Where Necessary

It is difficult to amend the soil of an established lawn, but when seeding or sodding a new lawn, amend the underlying soil with organic material or compost to help the soil retain moisture that the roots of the grass plants can utilize. Sandy soils drain so quickly that lawns have difficulty obtaining the water they need, while soils heavy in organic material can support lawns much more effectively.

With an established lawn, you can maintain and improve the amount of moisture-retaining organic material by mowing with a mulching mower that keeps grass clippings on the lawn or by annually top-dressing the lawn with compost or another organic material.

Downsize the Lawn

Where water is a precious commodity, the best solution may be to reduce the square footage of yard space devoted to living grass. Adding decks, patios, courtyards, and other surfaces will reduce the amount of water needed to support grass and reduce your lawn maintenance chores.

Some areas of the country have experienced significant droughts and water shortages, resulting in bans, restrictions, and a cultural shift towards water conservation. When water is scarce and a large lawn is no longer practical, downsizing makes sense. If a lawn is still desired for children, pets, or aesthetics, there's no need to eliminate it—make the area smaller and easier to manage.

Convert to Alternative Groundcovers

Even drought-resistant grasses require more water than some other groundcover species. Consider giving up grass altogether in regions with permanent and inevitable low-moisture conditions and grow another form of living ground cover in your yard space.

Shady Areas

  • Periwinkle (Vinca minor), USDA hardiness zones 4 to 9

  • Creeping mahonia/Oregon grape (Mahonia repens), USDA hardiness zones 5 through 9

  • Sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum), USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8

  • Creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), USDA hardiness zones 3 through 9

Sunny Areas

  • Rockrose (Cistus spp.), USDA hardiness zones 8 through 11

  • Snow in summer (Cerastium tomentosum), USDA hardiness zones 3 through 7

  • Moss phlox (Phlox subulata), USDA hardiness zones 2 through 9

  • Winecups (Callirhoe involucrata), USDA hardiness zones through 11

Consider Artificial Grass

For some people, growing grass in the high desert is more trouble than it's worth. Although it's not for everyone, a surprising number of homeowners, even in cool-season climates, are giving up living grass and groundcovers in favor of lawns made from artificial turf. In desert environments especially, water restrictions make living lawns quite impractical, and a little patch of artificial turf may be all that's needed for a pet or sitting area. Maintenance is easy, and many synthetic turf varieties look and feel like the real thing.

Skip Fertilizer

If you're experiencing hot and dry conditions during the summer or going through a period of drought, it's best to avoid nitrogen fertilizer because overfertilizing can burn the lawn. To feed your grass and keep it healthy, opt for use once the weather cools down, such as into the fall or winter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you water your lawn every day during a drought?

It's not necessary to water your lawn every day during a drought. It's better to water deeply a few times a week than lightly every day. 

What happens when grass gets too dry?

When lawn grass gets too dry during droughts or the hottest summer days, the lawn may wilt and turn brown, entering dormancy. Your lawn can rebound and turn green again upon watering and more ideal temperatures for the grass species.

Is it better to keep grass long or short in a drought?

During drought, keep your grass a little longer. It keeps the soil cooler and retards evaporation, meaning the soil doesn't need as much water. Thicker grass also keeps weeds away and promotes a stronger root system.

Read the original article on The Spruce.