My Little Peanut-Sized Brain Is Completely And Totally Blown After Seeing These 23 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The First Time This Week

1.To scale, this is how big a strand of human hair is compared to an egg cell:

Model of an egg cell and human hair strand

2.They sell red Solo cups as "American party cups" in New Zealand:

American party cups

America's finest cultural export.

u/Ok_Truck_8792 / Via

3.This is what some of the first New York City tour buses looked like in 1904:

An old NYC tour bus

No seatbelts...just vibes.

Universal History Archive / Contributor

4.Champagne vending machines exist:

A champagne vending machine

God is good, folks. God is good.

u/iselljetparts / Via

5.This just might set the world record for smallest hand-carved wooden spoon:

A very tiny spoon

I love this little spoon.

u/timely_Reading_4975 / Via

6.Redwood trees are absolutely gigantic:

people standing next to a redwood tree
Pictorial Parade / Getty Images

7.Here's another shot of a redwood tree absolutely towering over a car:

A car parked near some redwoods

That's a big tree, folks!

General Photographic Agency / Getty Images

8.This is the Queensland Stinger, one of the world's most dangerous plants:

Queensland Stinger

9.This is how big the Democratic Republic of the Congo is compared to the east coast of the United States:

Model of the Republic of the Congo over the US

10.This is the Murchison meteorite, a meteorite found in Australia that formed over seven billion years ago:

The Murchison meterorite

11.This is what the big ol' noggin of the Statue Of Liberty looks like from the torch:

The Statue of Liberty

How can I tell my barber I want my hair cut like Lady Liberty without telling them I want my hair cut like Lady Liberty?

Fox Photos / Getty Images

12.This is the Thanksgiving menu that was served at the Plaza Hotel in 1899:

Plaza Hotel Thanksgiving menu

13.This is what an elephant's tail looks like close up:

An elephant nose and tail

It's HAIRY!!! My goodness.

Jacobeukman / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14.And this is what one of those tail hairs looks like up close:

A rounded hair in the palm of a hand

It's thick, folks. IT'S THICK!

Thanh Nguyen / AFP via Getty Images

15.This is apparently a set of "instructions for new mothers" given to new moms in the 1940s:

Instructions for mothers


u/the_unfunny_hump / Via

16.These are the shoes (well, shoe) Marie Antoinette wore to her execution during the French Revolution:

One of Marie Antoinette's shoes

Leave a comment describing the kicks you're wearing to your untimely end.

Martin Bureau / AFP via Getty Images

17.Speaking of 18th and 19th century French history, Napoleon's hat recently sold at auction for 2.1 million dollars:

Napoleon's hat

Leave a comment describing the hat you'd wear if you were exiled on an island off the coast of Tuscany.

Anadolu Agency / Anadolu via Getty Images

18.Chickens can occasionally lay soft, smooshy eggs with no shell:

A chicken egg with no shell

Smooshy is now a medical term, by the way.

u/jeph_diel / Via

19.Moths can be REALLY, REALLY big:

a large moth on someone's hand

20.Here's a list of every named generation going back to the 1400s:

Generations list

21.This is what a receipt for a Model T car looked like in 1919:

Would love to drive one of these straight to Warren G. Harding's house and whoop his rear-end for Teapot Dome.

22.This enormous disk is what 10 MB of data looked like in the 1960s:

A man holding a disc whose diameter is wider than his torso

23.And corn, my friends, corn can grow very strangely:

Corn that's grown strangely

I just think it's neat! Let me enjoy the weird corn.

u/captain_wisconsin / Via