Tinder launches new tool that lets you un-ghost old flames

Tinder wants you to un-ghost this Halloween.

For the uninitiated, “ghosting” refers to the act of talking to someone with the intention of going on a date and then disappearing without notice. It happens in real life, but perhaps most often on dating apps.

This October, Tinder launched a tool called “Ghosting Graveyard,” where you can rekindle all those romances you once abandoned.

To use the feature go to ItsYourBoo.com, type in your name and the name of the person you ditched. Then just select a reason you’re trying to get back in touch. Some of the options include “to apologize” and “because it’s the start of Cuffing season.”

Tinder will then send you a personalized ice-breaker to send to the old flame. Some of the messages include lines like, “Our conversation reminds me of ‘Game of Thrones’ — it deserves a better ending” and “We were just like Ross and Rachel — on a break.”

In September, the dating app reported that quarantine made Tinder users chattier than ever.

“Globally, April 5th was the peak of this chattiness: on that day Tinder members sent an average of 52% more messages versus the start of lockdowns in early March,” the company reported.

Apparently, users changed their profiles to boast about stockpiles of toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Some even bragged about wearing a mask. Others arranged socially-distanced meetups in virtual reality.

“With most places closed, many on Tinder looked to Animal Crossing to rendezvous. Early quarantine saw a 5x increase in Animal Crossing mentions in bios,” Tinder said.

Well, it sounds like there will be plenty of people trying to get back together with ghosted loves from before and after the start of the outbreak!

Check out In The Know’s story on S’more, the dating app version of “Love Is Blind.”

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