I Want To Hear The Most Scandalous Secrets You Have Kept From Your Roommates, In Vivid Detail

I've heard plenty of people tell stories about their bad roommates, but what I'm curious about are the strange tales from the other side, from the perspective of the roommate.

Do you have anything that you've done that may be considered surprising, strange, or simply non-ideal roommate behavior? Please, get it off your chest here! I'm looking for examples that are more than "I said they weren't my dishes...but actually? They were my dishes" and less than "Dead body hiding in the floorboards."

Screenshot from "Gilmore Girls"
Screenshot from "Gilmore Girls"

Warner Brothers Television / Gilmore Girls / Via giphy.com

Maybe you have lived with multiple roommates, or a couple in a relationship. I have! I might as well expose myself to get this shame-spiral started. My roomies never knew (until now if they're reading this) that when they would get into a loud argument and I didn't have anything good to watch on TV, I would be in my room, listening to every detail and secretly taking sides.

Screenshot from "Friends"
Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions / Warner Bros Television / Via HBO

Maybe, even though your roommate has almost caught you in the act, you still sneakily gobble down handfuls of shredded cheese straight from the bag while standing in the nonjudgemental glow of the refrigerator light — a true delicacy alongside soothing ambiance. Obviously, you enjoy the finer things in life.

"I eat all of the cheese."
"I eat all of the cheese."

Monkeypaw Productions / Key & Peele / Via giphy.com

Perhaps you like to creep around your apartment while under the cloak of night, secretly going full goblin mode. I absolutely want to hear about it! Also? Same.

"I carry around a sack and creep around in a sort of crouch-walking position, making goblin noises."
RCG / It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia / Via FXX

Clearly, I am in no place to judge. So, let me know the most shocking or silly secret you've kept hidden from your current or past roomies in the comments below! I want to know all the details. Nothing is too weird or too scandalous. If you have something you want to spill, but you don't want to reveal yourself, send me your answers anonymously through this form instead. The most captivating answers will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!