It's Time To Let Them Go, Babe — 14 Things To Help You Leave Your Ex In The Past And Get Back To Your Happier Self

We asked the BuzzFeed community to share their best advice for getting over a breakup and detaching from an ex. Here's what they had to say:

1."After my first ever breakup, my mom told me to look at what happened from the perspective of a friend, or someone else whose only skin in the game is wanting me to be happy."

Two women face each other, one blurred in foreground, the other with a focused expression

2."Take the time you need to grieve. My 3.5-year relationship ended, thankfully, amicably, because we wanted different things for our future. We knew that to stay together, one of us would have to compromise more than either of us was comfortable with."

Person grimacing while doing a spit-take with a drink

3."Don’t blame yourself for the relationship ending. Once time has passed, ask yourself if the relationship was worth your time and effort. No? You did the right thing."

Screenshot from "All of Us Strangers"

4."The alternative to breaking up is remaining in a relationship where one or both parties is/are not happy, and that's worse than any split."

GIF of Winston in "New Girl"

5."If you can, try to change your scenery for a little while after a breakup. This is tricky if there are kids involved or other circumstances, but even just a small shakeup can really help."

Screenshot from "Barbie"

6."It’s a small thing, but refer to your ex as 'my ex' rather than saying their name."

Woman holding a "HAVE NOT" sign, expressing opinions during a game or interview

7."Keep doing your hobbies and maybe add new things!"

Two tennis players in uniform are standing on a court, one holding a racket, with a focus on teamwork and anticipation

8."A good friend said to me, 'Never give 100% of yourself to someone because if it ends, you’ll be left with nothing.'"

A person is tearful while another's hand gently touches their cheek, depicting a moment of emotional intimacy or comfort

9.“You don’t break up and trade down!”

The image displays a GIF of a woman expressing sadness, with the text "You can't make someone like you."

10."Don’t look back. Keep it movin’."

Woman in car looking back at man standing on sidewalk, tension visible, night setting

11."You can be sad for a little bit, but don’t stop living your life because of it."

Person on sofa with subtitle "Embrace the change" from HBO's Insecure

12."The value of things is not in how long they last, but in the intensity with which they happen. That's why there are unforgettable moments, inexplicable things, and incomparable people."

Screenshot from "Mad Men"

"It's a quote by the poet and writer Fernando Pessoa."


Ron Jaffe / © AMC / Courtesy: Everett Collection

13."I was very sad at the beginning, and I still feel sadness, but what has helped me the most is not seeing this as an isolated and devastating tragedy."

Woman speaking, text overlay reads "ON TO BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS"

14.Lastly, "Write out whatever you feel in the moment."

Man in a suit jotting down notes on a sofa, possibly reflecting on relationship topics

Were there words of wisdom or a piece of brutal advice that helped you during your breakup? Share it with us in the comments below!