Is Tilda Swinton not-so-secretly playing an old man in Suspiria?

Tilda Swinton, left, and the IMDB profile image of 'Lutz Ebersdorf' - Getty
Tilda Swinton, left, and the IMDB profile image of 'Lutz Ebersdorf' - Getty

Horror film Suspiria, which premieres this Saturday at the Venice Film Festival, has an A-list cast: Tilda Swinton, Dakota Johnson and Lutz Ebersdorf.

If one of those names strikes out as odd, you're not the only one. Ebersdorf, whose name appears prominently in the film's trailer, was completely unheard of until this year.

It has prompted widespread speculation that the elderly Ebersdorf is in fact Swinton, disguised by heavy prosthetic make-up – though this theory has consistently been denied by the film's director, Luca Guadignino.

“That’s a complete fake news,” the Call Me By Your Name director told Yahoo in February. “They made a picture of my actor Lutz Ebersdorf and they claimed it was Tilda in make-up. I don’t know why and I don’t know who.” He went on to deny rumours that Ebersdorf's performance has been dubbed.

In March, photos emerged from a film shoot in Berlin which were widely reported as showing Tilda Swinton in old-age makeup, looking wholly unlike her credited Suspiria character, the enigmatic dance instructor Madame Blanc.

An image said to be of a disguised Tilda Swinton filming in Berlin - Credit: Splash News
An image said to be of a disguised Tilda Swinton filming in Berlin Credit: Splash News

If Ebersdorf is not, in fact, Swinton, casting a performer with no feature film experience is a bold move for the Italian director. In a recent interview, Guadignino explained why he cast the unknown actor: "We wanted to have a fresh face," he said. "Someone who was born on screen with this movie. We wanted someone who could embody the tragedy of the 20th century somehow. His character wants to try to survive but also claw back what he has lost."

Suspiria is a remake of the 1977 horror film of the same name, and closely follows its premise – but Ebersdorf's character, a psychoanalyst called Dr Josef Klemperer, did not appear in the original film.

On the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), Suspiria is the only title credited to Ebersdorf, and there is only one picture of the actor – which shows a man who looks markedly different to the figure seen in the trailer and photos from the film set.

There is, however, a detailed biography for Ebersdorf on IMDB:

"Lutz Ebersdorf was born on February 15th, 1936 in Munich, Germany. In 1938, when Ebersdorf was just two, his family fled Nazi Germany: first for Geneva in Switzerland, and then to London. Spending most of his youth in Camberwell, London, Lutz returned to Munich in 1954, where he studied Philosophy, taking a particular interest in Gestalt psychology and Psychodrama.

Having graduated in 1957, Ebersdorf went on to co-found the experimental theatre group Piefke Versus – a radical performance ensemble heavily influenced by the Vienna Actionists and in particular the work of Hermann Nitsch. While supporting himself working odd-jobs for several years, Ebersdorf and the other members of the group staged sporadic performances, often in public spaces, and produced several short art films (now believed to be lost films).

"Ebersdorf eventually disbanded Piefke Versus in 1964, leaving him free to pursue his studies in Kleinian psychoanalysis. He received his doctorate in 1967. Ebersdorf has worked in Berlin as a practicing Kleinian analyst, specialising in mother-daughter relationships, since 1969. In 2016 director Luca Guadagnino approached Ebersdorf to appear in Guadagnino's remake of Dario Argento's Suspiria as Dr Josef Klemperer, a Kleinian psychoanalyst."

No mention of Ebersdorf's art films or Piefke Venus can be found anywhere online, other than in promotional material for Suspiria. As the premiere approaches, fans should keep an eye out for the elderly psychoanalyst on the red carpet.