TikTok's No-Peel Egg Salad Hack Is A Complete Game-Changer

bowl of egg salad
bowl of egg salad - Lika Mostova/Shutterstock

Egg salad may be a simple dish, but the devil is in the details. For example, mixing egg salad by hand is best to thoroughly incorporate all the ingredients for the most appealing texture. And when it comes to peeling your hard-boiled eggs, a task that no one really enjoys, a TikTok video offers a much easier and more convenient alternative when whipping up a batch of egg salad.

Instead of boiling and peeling eggs individually, the innovative inventor of the hack makes what can be best described as an egg loaf. This is as simple as cracking a few eggs into a greased bread pan and baking it in a water bath in the oven. Once the eggs are fully baked, they can be removed from the pan, diced, and added to the other egg salad ingredients, such as mayonnaise, mustard, and green onions. While this hack helps you avoid the often-frustrating process of peeling hard-boiled eggs, one person points out that it takes a lot longer. As stated by the unimpressed commenter, "35 minutes instead of 7 minutes to boil and peel."

Read more: 14 Liquids To Add To Scrambled Eggs (And What They Do)

Why Are Some Hard-Boiled Eggs So Hard To Peel?

person peeling hard boiled eggs
person peeling hard boiled eggs - Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

There are lots of ways to easily peel hard-boiled eggs, from rolling them over a hard surface or even using a spoon. However, even the most effective peeling hack may be no match for a particularly challenging hard-boiled egg. And if you encounter a batch of challenging eggs when making egg salad, you will definitely have your work cut out for you.

The hardest eggs to peel after boiling are usually the freshest. Eggs consist of the shell, the yolk, and the albumen, or egg white. They also include a protein-based inner membrane, along with other components. As time goes on, the interior of the egg gets smaller, which causes the membrane to break its bonds with the shell. The membrane is strongest when the egg is fresh and becomes weaker as time progresses. Accordingly, fresh eggs are the hardest to peel after boiling. And because you may not want to sacrifice freshness for easy peeling, the TikTok egg hack is a great alternative.

Tips For Making Amazing Egg Salad

toasted egg salad sandwich
toasted egg salad sandwich - Promo_link/Getty Images

Now that you have an easier method for making egg salad, you can focus on making the dish as flavorful and satisfying as possible. In this case, you can add some unexpected ingredients to your egg salad to really make it sing. Sun-dried tomatoes offer the perfect touch of acidity, while chopped walnuts are good for enhancing the texture. You can even amplify the dressing for the egg salad by mixing in some avocado.

While egg salad can be enjoyed on its own, serving it between two slices of bread can elevate the dish even further. In this case, bread selection is key to a great outcome. Potato bread is one good option, as it's sturdy enough to accommodate the egg salad. As for flavor, potato bread is praised for its subtle hints of sweetness, which makes it ideal for the savory ingredients in egg salad. If you want something with a more potent flavor, rye bread pairs beautifully with egg salad thanks to the tinge of sourness. When you don't need to worry about peeling eggs to make egg salad, you'll be free to experiment with all sorts of ingredients and bread combinations.

Read the original article on Daily Meal