TikTokers left stunned by woman's nightmare experience with dreadful date: '[You] deserve better'

Many people rushed to her defense after she shared how her date disrespected her.

On TikTok, if you ask your followers to share their deepest, darkest secrets, you’d be surprised how many people are willing to spill their guts to perfect strangers.

Not too long ago, one user asked her followers to share the “craziest” ways they discovered they were being cheated on, and the prompt resulted in a viral trend. Another user urged her followers to call out their toxic workplaces, and people did not hesitate to spill the tea for all to see.

Now, thanks to user Andrea Russett, TikTokers are revealing the worst thing a man has said to them immediately after sex. On Dec. 14, she encouraged her followers to share their stories in the comments, and they delivered.

“My boyfriend of 3 years said, ‘Man you’re so much better than Kayla’ and that ladies and gentlemen is how I found out hw slept with my best friend,” one person said.

Another user shared that a man she had sex with told her she was “so much better than [his] wife,” which was the first she’d ever heard of him being married.

A third person revealed that someone she had sex with called her the wrong name … twice.

Some people made equally juicy video responses to the prompt. User @senalovv, for instance, responded to Russett with her own video, in which she shared her experience with an unabashed player.

“Immediately after we had just had sex, this guy was like, ‘Okay, can you get dressed and get your own Uber? Because I have another girl coming over here in the next 10 minutes.”

“[You] deserve better for sure,” one angry commenter wrote.

“He will end up alone with that attitude,” another added.

User Lydia Perez called out a terrible guy she hooked up with once who blamed her when he got sick after they had sex.

“He came back in and he proceeded to tell me that the reason why he got sick was because watching the movement and the motion of my body made him get sick,” she said.

Users were especially perturbed by Perez’s story.

“He’s an abusive person who wanted to put you down,” one person said.

“The rage I feel for you…” another wrote.

“I am so sorry,” a third added. “No one deserves to be talked to that way.”

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