TikToker reveals secret, dual-purpose of ceiling fans

Anthony Bertoncin, a 20-year-old TikToker from Kansas City, Mo., left social media users in disbelief... after sharing the simple trick on TikTok with his over 1.5 million followers. “Today, I finally realized that my ceiling fan has been making my room a sauna for six years,”... Bertoncin says in his clip, which has since been viewed over 2.2 million times. After explaining his struggles with temperature control in his room, which led him to constantly leave his ceiling fan on. Bertoncin said that a friend serendipitously showed him how to change the direction of his fan during a FaceTime call. The science behind the switch is pretty simple. When a ceiling fan rotates counterclockwise, the slant of the blades pushes air down. causing a noticeable breeze, Today’s Homeowner explains. When rotating clockwise, however, ceiling fans can produce the opposite effect by pushing air upward... and gently circulating hot air that is trapped near the ceiling, making the gadget useful for all seasons. TikTok users who had never heard of the simple feature before were naturally astounded by the news