TikToker Helping Baby Otters Cross the Road Wins the Internet

ther people We're seriously so thankful that she decided to stop and help. Luckily, she spotted the momma otter in the bushes and then helped guide the toward her. When driving a car you are focused on following the speed limit, road rules and watching out for pedestrians. But since we co-exist with animals, you might find animals crossing the road from time to time. We usually see deer and squirrels in our neck of the woods, but every once in a while you might run into other unexpected animals.

That's what happened to TikTok user @explore_anywhere. She was driving down the street when she noticed baby otters in the middle of the road. And being the good human that she is, she knew she had to stop. This story will instantly warm your heart.

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Aww! You truly don't see this every day. People might swerve out of the way and continue on their journey, but this TikToker is one of the few that stopped. We're seriously so thankful that she decided to stop and help these precious babies. And luckily, she spotted the momma otter in the bushes and then helped guide the baby otters back toward her.

"Thank you for helping them you are a guardian angel. We have to keep our animals safe," said @vmx3. You can say that again! @cheermom_cari commented what we're all thinking now. It reads, "And now I want an otter." Right?! We never knew we needed otters in our lives but here we are!

Some of us might be in luck! In certain states you can actually own a pet otter. If you're interested, please reach out to your state's Department of Agriculture/Fish and Game. They should be able to give you a better a better answer if you can own a pet otter.

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