TikToker goes on search to find the girlfriend of her recent date to warn her that she’s being cheated on

A woman on TikTok is proving that the unwritten rules of Girl Code trump all — even if the other girl is a complete stranger to you.

According to a TikToker named Katelyn (@katelyn_boss19), she recently went on a date with a guy she’d just met and didn’t know until midway through that he was in a committed relationship with someone else.

Now, she’s going to great lengths to track down the mystery girlfriend in order to warn her about her boyfriend’s two-timing ways.

“If you are from Salt Lake City, UT and your name starts with a V and you’re dating a guy — or married to a guy — named Jonathan, he is cheating on you and I just went on a date with him,” Katelyn says in her now-viral TikTok. “I met him on Wednesday evening and I was just with him, it’s 8 o’clock, I was with him around 6 pm on a Saturday and his screensaver is you and you called him twice and your name is ‘V’ on his contact name with two pink hearts.”

“So, stay safe out there,” she adds before the video cuts out.

In the comments, people thanked the TikToker for trying to warn the girlfriend instead of staying silent.

“protect V at all costs !” one person wrote. “we love a girls girl thank you for your service.”

“The world needs more Queens like you,” added someone else.

“that was dope of you to make this video,” another person wrote.

The post quickly went viral, as people around Utah (and the world, for that matter) became invested in finding out who “V” was and if she knew what her man was up to.

“Utah here!” wrote one user. “Waiting for Miss V to find out her man ain’t s*** so we can all keep her safe.”

“TikTok algorithm better bring me back for this update,” said someone else.

“You’re hitting the right audience,” added another person in the greater Salt Lake area.

Others started to wonder if they happened to know the players involved.

“My brother lives in Salt Lake City Utah and his name is Jonathan,” said one person, with a shocked emoji face.

Even people who don’t live anywhere near Utah began to grow skeptical of the men in their lives.

“My husband name is Jonathan we live in GA tho I had to check his phone real quick,” one woman admitted.

“Girl Im nowhere near Utah and you got me rolling over giving my Jonathan the side eye,” someone else chimed in.

In a follow-up video, Katelyn provided a bit more context as to how she came to know “Jonathan” in the first place.

She met him at Walmart, where they began chatting and “instantly started connecting.”

“We talked for over an hour, he never mentioned being in a relationship, but we were in the makeup aisle when we met,” she said, adding that she did find that to be “a little suspicious.”

By the end of their chat, Jonathan had asked her out, and believing he was single, Katelyn said yes.

Originally, the two were supposed to meet up for a late lunch, but that apparently never happened because Jonathan kept pushing back the time. So, when they finally got together, it wound up being more of a coffee date.

According to Katelyn, the date was going pretty well, and there weren’t any red flags — until she noticed that someone named “V” kept calling Jonathan’s phone. The first time, Katelyn saw a call coming in that brought up a “flash of pink” on the screen. Jonathan quickly apologized for the interruption and turned his phone over on the table without answering it.

Later, while he was in the bathroom, Katelyn noticed the phone lighting up for another call, and this time, she decided to take a look.

“I was interested,” she admitted in the video, with zero regrets about it. “I’ve dated so many freaking cheaters that I would rather know now than later.”

When she turned over the phone, she once again saw that “V” was calling, and this time she even saw the woman’s contact photo on the screen. Once the call went to voicemail, Jonathan’s phone returned to screensaver mode, which (surprise, surprise) also showed another photo of V.

The TikToker describes the woman as “beautiful” but doesn’t give an in-depth description of her physical appearance because she doesn’t want to unfairly expose her online. However, she had no problem exposing Jonathan after discovering what was up.

“He comes out of the bathroom, I look him dead in the freaking eyes, I go, ‘V called you,'” Katelyn recalled. “His whole body and his face — OMG it was priceless. He turned white and he’s like, ‘Oh s***, I just got caught.'”

Even so, Jonathan tried to make excuses, insisting that V was “just a friend” and begging Katelyn not to leave their date. But she wasn’t buying it. In fact, she admitted to saying “a lot of bad things” that she can’t repeat on TikTok, all because she’d just gotten out of a bad relationship where she was the one cheated on. This time, she was not going to stand for it — and she wasn’t about to become the “other woman.”

Before leaving the coffee shop, Katelyn said she held up her phone, blocked Jonathan’s contact number right in front of him and walked out. After that, she felt compelled to share the story far and wide.

“I hope TikTok does its thing and I hope this reaches V so she’s able to get out of this toxic relationship,” she concluded. And incredibly, TikTok did wind up “doing its thing.”

Within days, Katelyn posted an update informing viewers that she had not only found V but had also spoken with her on the phone. After their chat, she gave the TikToker her blessing to share limited details online.

Turns out, “V” isn’t her name or even her initial. Instead, it’s a nickname her boyfriend started calling her. And “Jonathan” wasn’t really her boyfriend’s name, either — it was apparently just something he told Katelyn to conceal his real identity.

According to V, this isn’t the first time her boyfriend has cheated on her. In the past, he’s even used a second phone and a fake number to try and keep it all a secret. Recently, they’d started discussing marriage, which naturally made her think he was over his cheating ways, but apparently not.

She discovered the truth shortly after her cousin saw Katelyn’s TikTok and sent it to her after the behavior and description sounded similar.

“She’s extremely devastated, but she said she’s doing a lot better than she thought she would be, because she’s just been mentally preparing herself for this for the past year because of his past actions,” Katelyn shared.

Despite her personal pain, she also told Katelyn to thank her followers for helping to spread the video as fast as they possibly could, which helped get the message to her right away, giving her the final push she needed to break things off once and for all.

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