TikToker finds her 2020 goal list from January and well ...

A New York City-based comedian recently rediscovered the list of goals she made for 2020. Robyn Schall was going through old notebooks when she found the very optimistic entry and couldn’t stop laughing. Schall recorded a TikTok — complete with a fresh glass of wine — as she re-read her resolutions. The first goal: Make more money. “I, you know, have been unemployed since March,” Schall quips. Her next items on the list were to travel more, lose weight and be more social. “I wrote ‘cry less’! I’ve cried every single day of this whole pandemic!” she says. Then, in a dark and rather sobering twist, Schall says, “It’s not funny, but I wrote, ‘Spend more time with my grandma,’ and she died”. Schall’s TikTok has over 3.7 million views and thousands of responses. “I am begging you do NOT make a 2021 list,” one person joked in response to the TikTok. “You’re going to need more wine!” someone else said. “Lucky for me ‘drink less’ was not on the list,” Schall replied