TikTok users are sharing their superior taste in a new trend

A new phrase has taken over social media and there's only one thing to be said about it: "The girls that get it, get it and the girls that don’t, don’t". The soundbite has gone viral on TikTok and even Twitter. Without any context, TikToker @khaenotbae spoke the now-iconic phrase straight into the camera while sitting in her car. "I literally told you chitterlings eating b******, the girls that get it, get it and the girls that don’t, don’t. Obviously, you don’t get it cause you’re not that girl," she said. "Got it?”. The sound has since been used in over 41,000 TikTok videos. Women are using it to explain their habits and choices that others may not understand. "When someone tells me that I dress like an old lady," @maykalinu said in a caption. She lip-synced to the sound while flaunting her pearl earrings and necklace

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