A new TikTok trend has former retail workers spilling their biggest secrets

A new TikTok trend has retail employees spilling their biggest insider secrets. The trend started when user @maryamazeem_ asked former retail and fast food workers to share the craziest things they’d learned on the job. An alleged former Bath & Body Works employee named Mercedes Angel shared the store’s “equal exchange” policy. she claims allows customers to return any item — even if they have already used some of it — for another, equal item. “You could bring an empty candle — like a completely used candle — back into the store, and we have to give you a new one,” she claims. TikToker David Walker claims that Best Buy allows its workers to buy items at “five percent above cost" . Cost, in this case, refers to the price Best Buy pays to stock its inventory, so a discount like that can really stack up. “Usually, that price cut is damn near more than 50 percent,” Walker claims