This TikTok Star Can Embody Any Movie Character

Got a favorite movie scene of all time? Chances are Julian Burzynski has performed it on TikTok. The 27-year-old actor and content creator, who is based in West Hollywood, has used his TikTok page to re-create dramatic Twilight moments and the “Jingle Bell Rock” dance from Mean Girls. And since joining the app in 2019, Burzynski has gained more than 1.8 million followers for his comedic videos. While we’ve all seen these vignettes before, Burzynski breathes new life into the iconic scenes with his outfits and impressive attention to detail—heightening them just enough to make you feel like you’re watching them for the first time.

Burzynski really started focusing on the platform as an acting medium during the pandemic. “I watched so many movies and TV shows in that first week of quarantine,” he says. “I [also] wanted to bring laughter and smiles, and a feeling of safety to anyone who was also feeling lost at this time. And with a few wigs, a ring light, and my heart, that’s what I did.” Some of his most viral movie re-creations thus far include reenacting the Elle Woods court scene from Legally Blonde and reciting the infamous cerulean monologue from The Devil Wears Prada. “That was very difficult, as Meryl Streep is an icon and Miranda Priestly is so precise in her facial expressions as well as her body language,” says Burzynski.

While Burzynski’s page is already filled with an impressive archive of movie vignettes—don’t miss his Burlesque dance number, for instance—he has many more ideas in the pipeline for the future. In October expect some spooky re-creations around Halloween time. “I am going full out this year and really getting into the spirit,” he says.

Below, Burzynski discusses his favorite movies, how long it takes to make the videos, and what ideas he will tackle next.

How did you start acting and getting so good at re-creating scenes? 

I was in my first musical in second grade, and I followed that dream ever since. I was in voice lessons, dance class, and acting class any chance I could get. I attended a performing arts high school in Chicago, where I finally found acceptance for who I was and also got to learn about my craft. From there I graduated from Elon University in 2017 with a B.F.A. in musical theater, and I’ve been pursuing this career path ever since! I am very detail-oriented, so I love to find little things that some people might not notice if they aren’t watching closely. I like to bring myself to these characters, not only how they talk or walk, but also including the breath and the movement incorporated in these scenes. I have definitely gotten better at it through practice. The first TikTok I did with my mom, our lip-synching was all over the place, ha ha! We actually re-created it not too long ago. We both have come a long way! 


What made you want to start creating on TikTok?

At the beginning of 2020, I was pursuing acting and actively auditioning in New York City, as well as working as a fitness instructor on the side. When the pandemic hit and both of those fields shut down for the foreseeable future, I was frightened. I watched so many movies and TV shows in that first week of quarantine. This feeling of safety that these films brought reminded me of a time in my life when I also looked upon movies for comfort.

In my childhood, I was severely bullied up until high school. Every day when I would get home from school, I was always comforted by my amazing parents and movies. No matter how miserable I was from being called names or getting laughed at for how I looked, I always escaped those negative feelings when I got to watch movies. That’s why I wanted to become an actor: So I could be a storyteller and share my story and help others like me feel not so alone. So in this feeling of nostalgia, I decided that I was going to make these fantasies a reality, and TikTok was the platform that allowed me to do that. I wanted to bring laughter and smiles, and a feeling of safety to anyone who was also feeling lost at this time. And with a few wigs, a ring light, and my heart, that’s what I did.

What’s your process for creating TikToks? 

All the movies and TV shows I have covered have a special place in my heart. I am so inspired by the actors, the directors, the cinematography, and the stories they hold—they are iconic. I continue to re-create my favorites, but I also love to see suggestions in the comments! As I am planning TikToks, I like to be as accurate as possible, so I make sure I have the right wig and an outfit that might not be exact but is in the character’s vibe. I also have found a love for lighting and camera angles, so that is some work I like to plan before as well. 

We also love how you manage to re-create the scene outfits perfectly. Where do you find all these props/costumes?

Fashion has always been a big part of my life. Most of the dresses and skirts I wear in the videos are actually what I wear in life. I have always loved to serve a look and explore and experiment with clothing. I have gone through many fashion phases, but they all come in handy while making these videos! I do borrow clothing from both my mom and dad, and also my amazing friends, who are always happy to help. I try to make the outfits as close as possible or just to have the essence of the character. I have been able to repurpose a lot of materials to wear in multiple videos. For props, I do love to get crafty. There is really nothing you can’t make out of cardboard and other materials you can find around the house. I have made many phones and props out of cardboard, necklaces out of paper clips, and mics with some tinfoil and old paper towel rolls! 

What has been the hardest scene to film for TikTok? 

The hardest scene I have filmed has to be the Mean Girls Christmas talent show. I filmed the entire 6:40 and played every character while lighting and filming all by myself. I always love the process, though, because it is such hard work, but when it is done, I am so happy with the outcome! The Devil Wears Prada cerulean scene is also one that was very difficult, as Meryl Streep is an icon and Miranda Priestly is so precise in her facial expressions as well as her body language; that was so fun to take on!

How many takes does it usually require for you to get it right? 

It definitely varies with each scene. I have found that I am a perfectionist, so I truly do not stop filming until I am happy with that take. Sometimes I even will stop and come back to a scene a different day if I am not fully in it. I always like to remind myself that I make these because it brings joy to not only me but others as well. So having fun is the most important part! 

We love that you did an ode to Burlesque, a deeply underrated film. When will we see your Cher performance?

I am obsessed with the movie Burlesque, and I agree that it is very underrated. I had to put my best effort into giving the Xtina [Christina Aguilera] fantasy. As for Cher, I do have something planned very soon. I will be paying tribute to Cher this Halloween; I can’t wait for everyone to see. 

What has been your most viral video, and why do you think it went viral? 

My most viral video to date, with 20.3 million views, is a video of me and my mom dancing in skirts. This is one of my favorites because in just 15 seconds it shows the special bond between us. She’s my best friend in the world. Both my mom and dad have never questioned who I was but always embraced what made me different and loved me always, even when I didn’t love myself. I am very lucky to have the family that I do, and I am so grateful. This video illustrates my mom finding her clothes in my room when I was younger, as I would take them to try them on. Either she noticed they were missing or she realized they had been stretched out; she never cared. She always encouraged my exploration.

What’s your favorite TikTok of all time? And which one took you the longest?

My favorite TikToks of all time would have to be any ones that include my family. Some specifically—the “Meet the Plastics” video from Mean Girls and the court scene from Legally Blonde. I also really love the “You Don’t Own Me” video from First Wives Club, which was praised by queen Diane Keaton herself! Still on cloud nine from that one!

What’s the next big idea you want to attempt on TikTok?

In October I will be posting all 31 days with 31 brand-new videos from the most iconic Halloween/scary movies. I am going full out this year and really getting into the spirit. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I love to do it big. I also aim to share more about myself. I just recently moved to L.A. and want to share my experiences with moving and also my interests in fashion and dance. There is so much about me that I am eager to share, and I can’t wait for what’s next!


Originally Appeared on Vogue