TikTok Star Bryce Hall’s Power Was Shut Off Thanks to His Giant House Party

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

  • TikTok star Bryce Hall’s power has been shut off following multiple warnings about his giant Los Angeles house parties.

  • Reminder to Bryce: We are in the middle of a literal pandemic and more than 2,000 people in L.A. have died.

Despite the fact that there’s an ongoing pandemic and coronavirus cases in Los Angeles are skyrocketing, multiple TikTok stars have felt the need to inexplicably host giant (irresponsible…unsafe…) house parties at their mansions. Which brings us to Bryce Hall, who’s come under fire for hosting multiple parties that he’s received multiple warnings about from the city of Los Angeles.

And L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti is literally not having it. Like, to the point where he shut off power at Bryce’s home, according to New York Times reporter Taylor Lorenz.

“With more than 2,000 Angelenos—and over 170,000 Americans—lost to COVID-19, we need every resident to undertake critical safeguards to stop the spread of this virus,” Mayor Garcetti said in a statement. “That includes not hosting or attending parties that put themselves, their neighbors, and many others at risk.”

He also hit up Twitter to hammer the point home:

You’d think Bryce would, like, say sorry or at the very least take this seriously—but instead, he released a TikTok video dancing to “Electric Love,” seemingly in response to the news.

Truly just 😐.

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