TikTok’s popular ‘Midwestern Mama’ has an important message about bullying tween girls

Midwestern Mom on TikTok

As I’m sure you can recall, ​​middle school was the absolute worst. It was horrible because of the insecurity, transitions, figuring yourself out, puberty, and being bullied. And it sucks even more when grown women comment, judge, and make fun of these tween and teen girls. As if it couldn’t get any worse, the “mean-girling” is still happening when these grown women backtrack and say they’re judging the mothers, not the girls themselves. “Midwestern mama” Monica Brady is over it and she finally had to take a stand on her TikTok, which she says she never does.

In her video, Monica claps back at all the judgemental comments grown women make about tween and teen girls and their choices and current obsessions. This is probably in response to the ASMR video she posted of doing a “reset” of her 11-year-old daughter’s bedroom where she cleaned up her vanity and reset all of her beauty products.

Tweens and teens these days love leggings, want Stanley cups, and are starting skincare and beauty routines. Bottom line according to Monica? SO WHAT?

These kids are between the ages of 10 and 13 and they’re trying to figure out who they are, she said in the video. It’s a huge transition year with a lot of insecurities, she said. “You’re not little, you’re not grown, and grown women are going online and they’re just judging the absolute crap out of these girls,” Monica said.

She continued that all of the above are truly harmless in the grand scheme of things, and she’s right. All these grown women getting on social media and judging these girls when they themselves were 13 years old once, forgetting they probably wanted to look like Britney Spears or they were trying to get their moms to sign waivers for them to go to the tanning salon when they were 13 because that’s what was popular then.

“And that was horrible for their skin,” Monica said. “Just like retinol shouldn’t be used on the skin of 13 year olds now.”She added that our mistakes gave us skin cancer, while these kids’ mistakes will lead to making their skin barrier weaker, so in the grand scheme of things it’s really not a big deal.

“These grown women need to leave these girls alone,” Monica said. “They’re going through enough. It’s a little bit ridiculous. Truly.”

A popular rebuttal Monica said she sees in the comment section is that these women aren’t judging the girls, but their mothers too…like that’s better?

“Why is everything always put on the moms?” Monica asked. “What about the dads? Everything is always the mom’s fault. You’ll never see sons being talked about for what they want to wear or that they want a PS5 when they’re nine. Nobody cares,” she said. “But its a huge deal when a 9 year old girl wants a Stanley.”

“I’m really just sick of women picking fights with women, and women putting down women,” Monica said. She added that she just wants everyone to worry about their own kids and she’s encouraging everyone in 2024 to just be kind. “Just because it comes into your head doesn’t mean you need to say it. Just because a social media influencer makes a post doesn’t mean there needs to be hate in their comment section all the time just because you don’t agree with the way they live their life,” Monica said.

“Just delete and block people that trigger you, delete and block people that don’t bring good to your life,” she said. “Only keep good in your life. And that includes me. If I’m not bringing good to your life, just delete me and don’t follow me,” she said.

“So let’s just be kinder to each other and stop worrying about things that don’t directly affect us and we will just be happier people,” Monica concluded.