TikTok parent reveals her genius strategy for getting her toddler to bring her snacks

This TikTok parent shared her hilarious hack for getting her toddler to bring her snacks!. Brooke Ashley Hall (@brookeashleyhall) shared her ingenious hack for getting a quick snack delivered when she has her hands full: . She uses a walkie-talkie to place a snack order with her toddler. Brooke’s adorable and hilarious video begins with a shot of Brooke lying in bed, then holds up a walkie-talkie. Pressing the button, she whispers, “Hey, Mar’Cannon, can you please bring Mommy some Oreos?”. In the next shot, Mar’Cannon appears in the doorway to Brooke’s room, carrying a package of Oreos. viewers couldn’t get enough of her hack — and her adorable kids