TikTok Mom Makes Postpartum Baby Hairs Trendy and the Results Are So Relatable

From curtain bangs to accessories, how to make those baby hairs work for you.

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Fact checked by Sarah Scott

After five kids, I’m pretty sure my hair has decided to stay in a permanent state of never fully growing back, in true postpartum style. Those little baby hairs up front that simply refuse to respond to any products? Yup, mine are raging, and reluctantly, I’ve made peace with the fact that I’ll likely sport flyaway bangs for the rest of my life.

With my forever baby hairs in full effect, I came across fellow mom Melinda Finnegan, who creates content on TikTok using the handle @minfin4life. She hilariously recreated four trendy hairstyles but for postpartum hair. And let’s just say the struggle is real!

First, Finnegan showcases her serious case of baby bangs that stick up like a troll doll’s tresses. Then, she debuts the first style, inspired by the “side pieces” we might see a celebrity like Kendall Jenner sport on a red carpet. Taking a cue from the glam look, Finnegan shares her version, which entails her baby hairs being stuck to her forehead with gel, a la Lurch from the Addams family. Sorry, Melinda! No judgment since I can totally relate!

Then, this totally game mama shows her TikTok followers the postpartum hairstyle we can all try out using accessories. Indeed, all you need to do is stick those little hairs into clips or bows, and the result is, well, not super flattering. Oh well.

Style number three involves Finnegan’s take on the front pouf that a celebrity like Megan Fox may wear to a star-studded event. Of course, Fox, a mom of three herself, has professional hair stylists at her beck and call, while the mortal moms among us are stuck attempting to copy the look. In the TikToker’s case, her front pouf resembles a hairspray cautionary tale instead of a sleek style. And I am nodding along with her, having been the victim of too much product myself on many occasions, as I try to tame baby hairs with a mind of their own!

Finally, the last style that Finnegan treats us to is inspired by curtain bangs, but hers are sparse and look like a scissors mishap more than an intentional style.

Commenters related hard to the mom’s self-deprecating video, with one person lamenting that after having multiple babies, her hair is still “wispy and unstyle-able” four years later. Word. Many other moms-to-be shared how the awkward hair regrowth phase is not one they are looking forward to.

Of course, not everyone experiences postpartum hair loss, although it’s very common. The reason some of us shed strands after pregnancy is that we stopped normal hair loss during gestation. You can thank all those crazy hormones for that! Then, postpartum, with more shifting hormones, hair starts to jump ship again, resulting in the regrowth of tresses that resemble a newborn’s follicular activity more than an adult’s!

So, what to do to avoid looking like Daphne from Bridgerton or Courteney Cox in Scream? I turned to ​​Aviva Jansen Perea, celebrity hairstylist and founder of Day Rate Beauty. She offers a very easy trick for taming tiny hairs that I’m going to try myself!

“I always have multiple, long-handled, pointy-tipped mascara wands (called spoolies) on hand,” she says. “If you are pulling your hair back, and need to slick the baby hairs into the style, or if you’re wearing your hair down, and just want to blend the baby hairs in, having this tool with a reliable hairspray is the move!”  

This is a hack so simple, that even a hairstyle-impaired person like myself can master it. All you need to do, according to Jansen Perea, is “Spray the spoolie with the hairspray positioned three to six inches away, and coax the baby hairs into whatever style you are wearing.” 

Her method is tried and true, with the celebrity stylist telling Parents, “I do this on set, or before sending a client down a red carpet, and it’s always a dependable trick.”

So whether you try Jansen Perea's hack—or Finnegan's styles, those baby hairs don't stand a chance!

Related: Can Birth Control Cause Hair Loss?

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Read the original article on Parents.