TikTok Found the Best Outfit Recipe for So Many Last Minute Halloween Costumes

You probably have everything in your closet already.

<p>Daniel SIMON/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images</p>

Daniel SIMON/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

Picking out the perfect Halloween costume is always more stressful than it should be. It's nearly impossible to find something that you feel comfortable in, is unique yet easy to understand, and doesn't break the bank—especially if you're heading to multiple parties over the weekend.

There are the obvious options of heading to a Halloween store, Target, or Walmart, with their seemingly endless amounts of quick fixes for this problem. But, if you like a little originality when it comes to your spooky season attire, these surely will not offer that, which isn't ideal if you want to stand out in a sea of Barbies.

Alas, after exhausting the options in our closets and realizing we want something different than the run-of-the-mill pre-packaged costume, we turn to TikTok for inspiration on how we can create our own look from scratch. Luckily, the app delivered, with the best trick for the perfect Halloween costume—read on for all the details.

The Formula

On October 5, TikToker Greta Louise Tome took to TikTok to share that she "cracked the code" on the secret to the perfect halloween costume. The hack was partly inspired by recent fashion trends, but also the go-to silhouettes we have been wearing for years on the holiday.

I'm sure we've all worn the corset and tutu combo for Halloween at least once, adding and subtracting accessories as needed to achieve everything from ghost to vampire to bride. The classic combo will, of course, also do the trick this year. But, there is a slight change you can make to bring it to 2023, to make it feel fresh and to show a little more skin.

All you have to do is swap the tutu for a pair of frilly bloomers, and use that combo as the base for any costume you can dream up, from the pretty to the scary.

Tome loves this hack because, as opposed to a tutu, the bloomers allow us to see the drop waist of a corset that's been a fashion trend all year—giving a low-waisted look as opposed to the high-waisted look of a tutu. Plus, bloomers are one of the biggest fashion trends of 2023, so it makes for an easy way to test them under the guise of a costume before implementing them into your daily wardrobe.

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/lady_hadeline/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@lady_hadeline</a>/Instagram</p>


How to Wear It

The best part of this formula is its simplicity—all you need are a pair of bloomers and a corset. 

To make the most of the hack, have a base idea of the character or costume you're trying to achieve with the combo. Going for a pirate? Maybe try black bloomers and a brown corset. An angel? Do white on white. Aiming for Cinderella? Opt for a baby blue corset and white bloomers. Even channel a vampire or zombie by using whatever colors you like as a base and adding fake blood. The possibilities are truly endless.

With the base of bloomers and a corset, it is really just a matter of accessorizing to fit your costume. Add angel wings and a halo for the angelic costume. More of a classic costume lover? You can't go wrong with ears and a tail for a sexy cat look. Add on a tiara, some opera gloves, and thigh-high white tights for Cinderella. An all blue outfit, seashell accessories, and wet-look makeup would make a darling mermaid. Add bows, a bonnet and a partner dressed as a sheep for a Little Bo Peep moment. Or, go heavy on the blood-inspired makeup for something undead

You can also use the costume to wear anything in your closet that doesn't get enough love. Always looking for an opportunity to wear your favorite heels? Throw them in the mix. Have jewelry always sitting on your vanity? Add that. Or, try out that hairstyle or makeup look you have always been wanting to. Put on what you please, and the costume will get even more amazing.

Up Next: The 31 Best Celebrity Halloween Beauty Looks of All Time

Read the original article on Byrdie.