TikTok dogs who stole our hearts in 2022

On TikTok, 2022 was the year of the dog! TikTokers showed just how sweet, lovable, and loyal our canine companions can be. Whether they were befriending tiny humans or tiny puppies, caring for their owners or for strangers, the dogs of 2022 have shown just what good friends they can be. Here are 5 dogs who stole our hearts in 2022.

1. Dogs comfort their owner

When this new mom got overwhelmed and started crying, her concerned pups ran to her rescue! Security footage shows the new mom sitting on the couch and sobbing, as her dogs come to her aid. The moving video proves just how attuned our pets can be to our emotions!

2. Dog finds pacifier

This dog mom couldn’t figure out why strangers on the street were smiling at her dog. Then, she realized her dog was carrying around an unexpected item: a pacifier! The adorable pup had a great time going for a stroll with her new pacifier, and helped brighten plenty of pedestrians’ days at the same time!

3. Dog’s life turns around after her owners get her a puppy

This sweet pup was suffering from an unfortunate condition known as a “phantom pregnancy” in which she began treating her toys as though they were her puppies. To treat the dog’s “phantom pregnancy” and accompanying depression, her owners decided there was only one solution: They needed to get her a puppy of her own! The moment the dog met her new puppy companion, the two became inseparable, and she seemed to become happier. For this sweet pup, love was truly the answer!

4. Puppy and toddler make music together

This TikToker found her toddler and puppy having an adorable jam session together! The toddler played a harmonica, while the tiny puppy “sang” by barking and whining. While the adorable band might need a bit of practice before they play their first show together, they were clearly having a great time. And, like all great jam sessions, this one ended with a hug between the musicians!

5. Pit bull dad refuses to leave his partner’s side after she gives birth

This TikToker recorded the sweetest moment between his two pit bulls. After his female pit bull gave birth, his male pit bull refused to leave the new mom’s side. The adorable video shows the new dad resting his head atop the mom’s as she feeds her puppies. This pit bull is certainly going to be a great dad!

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