TikTok doctor warns against common shower habit

There have been countless articles written up about the pros and cons of peeing in the shower. Enter Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas, a doctor of physical therapy with 465,000 TikTok followers. “If you pee in the shower, or turn on the faucet or turn on the shower and then sit on the toilet to pee while the shower is running, you’re creating an association in the brain between the sound of running water and having to pee”. The doctor added that this subconscious link could potentially cause "leak issues”. This is especially bad for those "assigned female at birth" who aren't "designed to pee standing up”. "Your pelvic floor isn’t going to relax appropriately, which means that you aren’t really going to be emptying your bladder super well”. One commenter argued that the sound of a toilet flushing or even the sound of peeing at all should trigger the same effect . "Conditioning requires positive or negative reinforcement," another TikToker replied. "The stimulus [must] happen before, not during [or after]”. Translation: You flush a toilet after you're done peeing, and the peeing itself is the action being conditioned, so it can't trigger itself. "Here I was thinking I was being useful and saving water,” one viewer added