What's A Furry? Well, Meet Gibson The Mouse — He's Here To Give You A Sneak Peek Into His World

In a new episode of "We Everywhere" — a new TikTok series exploring and highlighting Black culture, oftentimes in the places you least expect it — Cocoa Butter caught up with Lamar Dunlap, aka Gibson the Mouse, to talk all things Furry fandom!

Lamar holding the head of his Furry costume Gibson the Mouse
Selorm Kploanyi / Cocoa Butter

A Furry is a subculture with an interest in anthropomorphic animal characters — that is, animals exhibiting human characteristics like walking on two legs, speaking, wearing clothes, and showing emotions.

Participants of the Eurofurence convention wear animal costumes as they walk through Magdeburg, eastern Germany
DPA/AFP via Getty Images

Lamar took Cocoa Butter through the "Day in the life of a Furry," while also examining the lack of diversity, particularly with Black Furries, in the fandom.

Lamar dressed as Gibson the Mouse
Selorm Kploanyi / Cocoa Butter

Lamar revealed he starts his day like most people, by grooming himself. But that personal care is also extended to his Gibson the Mouse suit, so that he's ready to tackle his work day.

Lamar brushing the head of his Gibson the Mouse suit
Selorm Kploanyi / Cocoa Butter

"I have a friend that's also a teacher," said Lamar. "I get to go to her class when she reads If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, and I get to hang out with this school. It totally blows their mind!"

Lamar dressed as Gibson the Mouse at a school
Selorm Kploanyi / Cocoa Butter

He has also attended a few Furry conventions, which are attended by Furries from all over the world.

Delegates to the Eurofurence, "Europe's biggest furry convention" pose for a picture in front of the conference hotel in Berlin
Odd Andersen / AFP via Getty Images

But he's noticed a theme whenever he's met Furries outside of their suits: "When I take my head off and I see all the other Furries, I realize I am the only African American there."

Lamar smiling while holding the head of his Gibson the Mouse suit
Selorm Kploanyi / Cocoa Butter

"It would be nice if there were others in the fandom like me. Furry fandom is all-inclusive. If you're breathing, we will welcome you with open, furry arms."

Lamar sitting down outside dressed in his Gibson the Mouse suit
Selorm Kploanyi / Cocoa Butter

And despite the rumors and misconceptions, Lamar added being a Furry is not "all about sexual activity," it's really "all about fun."

Lamar dressed as Gibson the Mouse as he played with a cat
Selorm Kploanyi / Cocoa Butter

We love to see Lamar living his best life! Are you a Furry? Tell us about your experience in the fandom in the comments!

To learn more about the subculture, watch Gibson and all his furry glory in the Cocoa Butter TikTok above!

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Logan Perrin / BuzzFeed