This TikTok Career Coach Just Perfectly Broke Down What's Going On With The Job Market Right Now, And It's A Must-Read

In 2021, a record number of people quit their jobs, and it seems like every time you scroll through the news there's a new headline about labor shortages. But at the same time, I'm constantly seeing posts and comments from frustrated jobseekers who've applied to dozens (or even hundreds) of job postings and can't seem to get a call back. So what the heck is really going on?

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J.T. O'Donnell is a career coach and CEO of Work It Daily, an online career coaching platform that offers free resources. And she recently shared a video on TikTok that explained why, despite so much talk about labor shortages and record numbers of people quitting their jobs, it can be so hard for a lot of people to get hired right now.

In the video, she starts by explaining how she uses Google alerts to predict layoffs and stay on top of trends in the job market. "What you're not seeing in the media, because all you're hearing about is that there's a labor shortage and that there's a ton of jobs. And companies can't fill positions. What you're not seeing is the restructuring going in on the back end, and let me show it to you," she says.

A headline that says tech companies are downsizing; O'Donnell's TikTok

"So what this really means is the fact that even though 41 million people quit their jobs last year, right, the Great Resignation, they quit jobs nobody wants. So when you hear about a job shortage, it's all jobs nobody wants."

O'Donnell's TikTok with the words, "What am I doing wrong?"

And here's where it gets really juicy. J.T. explains that in this job market, recruiters are often doing the legwork to find the right candidate instead of waiting for jobseekers to find them. "Forty-one million people quit their jobs — think how many people are applying to jobs. So what's happened is companies stopped posting jobs, and it's called a 'hidden job market.'"

O'Donnell's TikTok with the words, "You have to know these new rules"

So instead of following typical advice about hunting down jobs and sending out your résumé, J.T. says that in competitive job markets (like right now), you want to make it so that it's super easy for recruiters to find you for the job you want. I had to learn more, so I reached out to J.T.

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She's been a career coach for just over 20 years, and she left her position as a corporate recruiter in 2001 because she saw a real need for accessible and actually helpful career advice. "I was working with all these people who, if they just had a little coaching, they could have been so much more place-able, and we could have had so many more people in jobs. And that really bothered me."

"I noticed that school wasn't teaching this and that a lot of people are getting misinformation. So I left and decided to become a career coach. And if you fast-forward 20 years, my whole mission has been to level the playing field, to give people the information they need to give them access to really good career coaching."

First, she says the hidden job market isn't new, but it's really having a moment in 2022. "The hidden job market has always been around. There have always been companies that don't want to post jobs and get 1,000 applicants, but it's become a lot more popular right now because you have so many people looking for work."

So in this kind of job market, she says tapping into the hidden jobs is more about optimizing your profile than pounding the pavement. "LinkedIn is just like an internet search. Like a Google search is built on an algorithm. There are 830 million profiles and counting on LinkedIn. So when a recruiter types in, you know, I'm looking for somebody in the Houston area with social media background, etc., etc., they're going to get a lot of people."

A person typing with a search bar imposed over

She says it's important to tailor your LinkedIn profile to the kinds of jobs you want. "There are certain things you need to do in your headline, for example, so that the skill sets rank in your About section, the way you summarize it, and your work history."

She also offers a really refreshing and honest perspective on the future of work. "We need employers to raise wages, and they're doing that. And we need a lot of reform inside businesses in terms of how they work with people. Yes, we're working on that. But there are two sides to the equation. So let's control what we can control. And that's what this is about."

You can check out more of J.T.'s content and give her a follow on TikTok and Instagram.