Tiger Woods turns his back on his old logo

 Tiger Woods and the old 'TW' monogram.
Tiger Woods and the old 'TW' monogram.

Tiger Woods announced his new "luxury lifestyle and fashion" brand Sun Day Red to much fanfare this week, introducing a clever new logo involving a tiger with fifteen stripes – representing each of his major title wins. But what about the old 'TW' logo that followed Woods through his partnership with Nike? He no longer has the rights to it – and nor does he want them.

“I don’t want it back,” Woods announced at a press conference yesterday. "I’ve moved on. This is a transition in my life. I’ve moved on to Sun Day Red, and we’re looking forward to building a brand that elicits excitement and is transformative." (Looking for design inspiration? Check out the best logos of all time.)

Tiger Woods promoting new brand Sun Day Red
Tiger Woods promoting new brand Sun Day Red

While Nike waved goodbye to its partnership with Woods in a classy final ad, it seems Woods is more than happy to put the relationship behind him. Fans have been speculating for a while what might become of the 'TW' monogram since the partnership came to a close, and now it seems we have our answer – nothing.

From Roger Federer's 'RF' to Cristiano Ronaldo's 'CR7' (which has been hilariously likened to King Charles III's Royal cypher), there are still plenty of famous sports monograms in circulation right now – and some of them are up there with the best sports logos of all time.