Thriller at Killers: Big Wave Surfers Ride 30-Foot Waves in Specialty Mexico Contest

Big wave surf contests are somewhat of a rare phenomenon.

Why? Because contest organizers are working with mother nature, and it takes a lot for everything – the swell, the wind, etc. – to come together, and stay consistent, for a daylong big-wave surfing affair. Hence, why, the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational, the world’s most iconic heavy water surfing event, has only run 10 times in 40 years.

But that’s what makes big-wave contests special. And a new event on the big-wave surfing scene just pulled off the nearly impossible – running a full-day competition in pumping, 30-foot waves.

The first annual live edition of the Thriller at Killers went down on Sunday, February 18th at the legendary island of Todos Santos off Ensenada in Baja, Mexico.

And it’s safe to say, the event was a hit.

For more on the event, and who took home the victory in the men’s and women’s division, here’s a little recap from the contest organizers:

“On Sunday, Punta Brava hosted our big-wave contest where the best big-wave surfers from all over the world converged for this first-annual live event called Thriller at Killers!

“We embarked on this journey many years ago to give the gladiators of the big-wave community an opportunity to showcase their skills and bravery at Todos Santos, the island within eyeshot of Punta Brava.

“The swell was absolutely maxing with waves well over 30 feet and although the best of the best participated, it was two underground chargers that took home the top prize.

“Men’s Division Heavywater Champion — Cody Purcell @codyyuu

“Women’s Division Heavywater Champion — Katie McConnell @keiti_mar

“We look forward to members joining us in the future as Punta Brava hosts the top gladiators in the world for Thriller at Killers.”

More big-wave surf contests like this in the future, please.


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