Three teens and a baby: everything Gap Motherhood has taught me

Gap Mum: Liz Fraser - Andrew Crowley
Gap Mum: Liz Fraser - Andrew Crowley

When I started writing this column about my experiences of becoming a mother again in my 40s, with three teenagers already, I had no idea where it would lead, how my pregnancy would go, or how I would feel about having a baby twenty years after my first…and after a fifteen-year gap.

I didn’t know if my pregnancy would progress smoothly, if my baby would be healthy, or how my older children would react to me being a Gap Mum. Would they love or reject their sibling; or not even care?

I wrote it because when I told people that I was pregnant again, having just dropped my eldest off at University, I was greeted by a chorus of “What’s it like?!” “Aren’t you exhausted? Is it hellish to be pregnant again? And…how are you going to cope with those sleepless nights??!”

This barrage of questions came from both sides of the Gap Mother divide - from those who were well out of the baby/toddler tunnel and couldn’t imagine going back as well as from a growing group of women who were toying with the idea of having a late-life baby themselves, either because they were in a new relationship or they just wanted one last shot at motherhood before their ovaries retired for good.

So I decided to write it all down. A sort of diary-come-survival guide for the many mums who find themselves doing the same thing, or wanting to.

Liz Fraser | Confessions of a midlife ‘gap mum’

Today, is my last column and Scout is now seven months old. Much like her fictional namesake, and after such an eventful, challenging pregnancy, it has come as no surprise to any of us that she is a VERY strong, determined little lady indeed!

I won’t pretend it’s been easy. The journey into Gap Motherhood been extremely hard, mentally and physically, and has nearly broken me several times. But the brutally tiring first six months are over, Summer seems to have decided to come out in full bloom, and so has our new life together.

Our magical, hugely hoped-for and loved little Gap Baby has changed all of our lives forever. Knock-out beautiful, bright and joyful, she has made our lives happier and more filled with love, laughter and total amazement, than I could ever have imagined – and that’s after having done it three times already.

So here’s what I’ve learned;

1) It’s been much harder having a baby in my ‘40s than my ‘20s. The tiredness is off-scale debilitating, and the Life Baggage we carry in our 40s is a lot heavier. But we can also be stronger in many ways, and can appreciate the experience far more, knowing how precious and lucky a Gap Baby is.

2) Lots of people have Gap Families. Since having Scout, countless number of people have contacted me to say they either did the same, or are the children of a Gap Family - and all of them said it was a fantastic, happy set-up.

3) Families come in all shapes and sizes, and they adjust to change. Do what works for you and your family, and ignore what other people might think!

pregnancy age advice

Already chatty, funny, standing up on her own and fascinated by everything around her our daughter has white-blonde hair, enormous blue eyes and golden eyelashes so long they curl up to her eyebrows. Alert and curious, she loves nothing more than watching and listening to people talking.

Since we took her out the day after she was born, people of all ages have crossed not just the room but the street, to come and say hello; old ladies have told her their life story; burly builders have melted under her gaze; toddlers gravitate towards her and want her to play.

And how have her siblings taken to their new baby sister? Well, I think it’s fair to say they are totally in love.

Liz Fraser  - Credit:  Andrew Crowley
Liz Fraser Credit: Andrew Crowley

When I was pregnant with her we went to Venice and in a doorway there I sat and wrote a letter to my then unborn child, promising to do everything I could do to give her a happy life. We went back there with Scout and sitting in the same doorway with her, I wrote another letter, this time to us all.

So now it’s time for me to go and fulfill those promises, and spend as much time with my family as I can. Being a Gap Mum means you know how fast it all goes, and I don’t want to miss another second.

Thank you for all your support and well wishes over these last 6 months. I’ve loved sharing it with you.

If you want to stay in touch, I’m largely found drinking coffee, playing with Scout and planning the next exciting stage of our lives here: lizfraser1/