Three simple ways to improve your relationship with your dog, according to an expert trainer

 Woman sat on couch with her dog
Woman sat on couch with her dog

If you're anything like most pet parents, building a strong and deep relationship with your fur friend is almost certainly at the top of your priority list.

And the good news is, improving and strengthening the connection you share with your canine companion needn't be difficult or time-consuming.

While it's easy to get caught up trying to figure out the reasons why your dog's recall isn't reliable or working hard to avoid the most common loose leash walking mistakes, often your time is best spent working on your relationship.

"Change your relationship and you’ll change the behaviours," explains expert dog trainer Liz Foley, who is also the founder of Your Favourite Dog Trainer.

Foley, who spent many years working with world-renowned dog trainer Cesar Milan, believes your relationship with your dog is the foundation for successful training sessions.

Keep reading as we reveal Foley's three simple tips for improving your relationship with your dog...

1. Go for a walk: And not just any walk! "Take your dog on longer walks," Foley advises. "Try to increase by 30-60 minutes." Bonus points if you use your daily stroll with your pup to engage in various games and training exercises, as this level of engagement can quickly deepen your relationship.

2. Boundaries are your friend: "Enforce boundaries by crating and practicing place," says Foley. Boundaries help your pup feel safe and secure in your presence, which is not only great for your relationship, but it can also assist your dog in becoming calmer and more confident.

3. Be mindful of when you dish out affection: "Only give your dog affection when they're calm. You get what you pet," explains Foley.

So, if you're wanting to strengthen your relationship with your dog and improve their behavior at the same time, focus on building your connections with them.

And if you find after several months of working with your dog on this that you're still not seeing the positive behaviors you're wanting to see, we recommend consulting a professional trainer who will able to work with your pup 1:1.