Three Ingenues in Film and Music Test-Drive Chanel Glasses

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

From Harper's BAZAAR

Optical shopping has never really topped our accessories to-do list. But throw Chanel into the mix, and a new work-from-home lifestyle that somehow requires more time in front of a screen than ever before, and suddenly, new glasses sound like the best idea since high-fashion sweatpants. This is the first time the iconic French brand is offering opticals on its e-commerce platform—whether you need specs for improved vision and or just to look smarter on Zoom calls (those with a prescription are directed to a list of local recommended opticians through the Store Locator tool on the site).

To mark the debut, has enlisted three up-and-comers in the realms of music, film, and fashion to choose their favorite frames, vamp for the camera, and answer some pointed questions. Ahead, see how Ellie Bamber, Arlissa Ruppert, and Natasha Liu Bordizzo style their new Chanels via videos and selfies shot from each of their respective homes.


Starting with a Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Nocturnal Animals, you don’t shy from some dark and creepy themes. Have you always been drawn to scary films and television?

I tend to watch movies that draw on dark themes, so naturally, I think my taste skews that way anyway! I think we all have our dark sides as individuals, and I like exploring that. And I don’t think I’m afraid to think about that from time to time. I’m not easily frightened by scary films at all.

You worked on Stranger with a Camera with Oscar winner Oorlagh George, who is making her directorial debut. Was it important to you to work with a female director? Did you seek out a role that gave you that opportunity? If so, why, and what did you get from the experience?

My experience of working with Oorlagh was really quite extraordinary. She’s incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to film and has a raw understanding of the complex history of Northern Ireland, so I felt totally safe in her hands. Along with that, she’s also a really caring person. So we discussed at lengths the trauma my character had been through, and together, we developed a picture of Gráinne. She and I also spoke at length to a few different PTSD specialists. This really helped me to understand Gráinne in a complex way.

What is your first memory of Chanel?

My first Chanel memory is a bottle of Coco that I always saw on my mother’s dressing table. I used to sneak into her room and just let loose with spraying it EVERYWHERE. She really introduced me to that scent, and I’ll never forget it. It’s a smell that I can conjure up in my mind very quickly.

What’s your red-carpet philosophy?

I think more than anything for me, it’s really important to love what I’m wearing. If you feel comfortable in the clothes you’re in, then I think it makes you confident, and that always comes across in photos.

What glasses-necessary activity are you most enjoying/looking forward to this summer?

Sunglasses when I’m reading.

What’s your go-to glasses shape, and why?

At the moment, I’m into really tiny sunglasses. I think they’re lots of fun. I have a particular pair of Chanel sunglasses that are in a small ’50s shape. I don’t stop wearing them.

Secret to a good glasses selfie?


Favorite four-eyes icon?



What is it like for you to release new music “in these times,” as we say so often now?

I would say it’s quite freeing. All schedules and time constraints have essentially gone out the window. It’s actually allowed me to dig deeper during quarantine and experiment in ways I haven’t before.

What was your inspiration for your new music, and how does it differ from your past work?

I always write from the heart. It can be quite hard to process my emotions sometimes, and I do find they always tend to come out through the songs I write. That definitely hasn't changed. If anything, particularly now, I’ve gone deeper into my emotions than ever before. Writing is essentially therapy for me, hard to go through at the time, but so cathartic and healing.

What is your first memory of Chanel?

Chanel has always stuck out to me since I was little. I remember seeing this pearl Chanel brooch in a vintage shop in London when I was quite small, and I honestly thought it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

What’s your red-carpet philosophy?

I always try to step outside the box when getting dressed for a carpet but never wear anything I don’t feel truly comfortable in. For me, comfort brings confidence, and confidence always looks best.

What glasses-necessary activity are you most enjoying/looking forward to this summer?

Definitely reading. I love bringing a book to the beach and getting lost in it, all while getting a tan.

What’s your go-to glasses shape, and why?

I love oversized glasses of any shape. I have a whole lot of curls, so I need big shapes to keep everything balanced.

Secret to a good glasses selfie?


Favorite four-eyes icon?

John Lennon

actress and model

What is it like playing a teen in The Society?

I’m taking advantage of being able to play a teen while I still can! I don’t really try to make myself sound or behave younger. … I’ve met teens way beyond their years, and I feel like my character (Helena) on The Society is one of those. Eighteen going on 40. A natural leader.

Do you find you get to use your black belt in taekwondo in your work very much?

Hell yes! My very first role was martial arts based. Martial arts was actually included in the audition. Since then, I haven’t focused on booking roles with martial arts, but occasionally, I do get to stretch my legs.

For example, in Guns Akimbo, there’s a scene where I’m being held hostage and my ex-boyfriend (played by Daniel Radcliffe) is trying to rescue me. I felt like my character could’ve been helping physically in the scene, and once the stunts coordinator learned that I did martial arts, he let me sneak in a little badass moment where I disarm the villain.

What would be your dream part?

The next one!

What is your first memory of Chanel?

Seeing the iconic Chanel No.5 parfum on a friend’s dresser when I was younger and thinking it looked like something that would be on all those Old Hollywood stars’ dressers.

What’s your red-carpet philosophy?

I don’t stick to any trends or style consistency. I pick the outfit that I feel most confident in that week, whatever happens to be going on in my life and in my head.

What glasses-necessary activity are you most enjoying/looking forward to this summer?

Looking cute in quarantine and pretending I’m at some cozy cafe and not my kitchen.

What’s your go-to glasses shape, and why?

I actually love all kinds of glasses shapes. The variety is important to me, because it depends on the outfit.

Secret to a good glasses selfie?

Strong brows! They frame your frames.

Favorite four-eyes icon?

Lisa Bonet

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