Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Medically reviewed by Laura Campedelli, DPT

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition that occurs most commonly when the nerves are compressed as they go from the top of the rib to the collarbone. It causes upper extremity pain, numbness, and tingling (not always together, and not the same symptoms in every person).

In this article we will explore what thoracic outlet syndrome is, the symptoms and causes, as well as diagnosis and treatment.

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What Is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

Thoracic outlet syndrome refers to a group of conditions caused by compression of the nerves or the blood vessels in the area around the collarbone. The most common type of TOS occurs when the nerves (specifically part of the brachial plexus) are pinched between the collarbone and the first rib. This type of TOS is called neurogenic TOS. There can also be compression of the large blood vessels (subclavian vein or artery), which is less common. This is called vascular TOS.

What Causes Throacic Outlet Syndrome?

TOS tends to occur after a traumatic injury, although the symptoms may not start until weeks after an injury. Car accidents are one main cause of TOS.

Another cause of TOS is repetitive stress. It is sometimes seen in athletes who perform repetitive overhead motions and those who lift heavy weights repetitively. The nerve or blood vessel may become pinched either by the bone or the soft tissues between the clavicle and the first rib.

Symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Typical symptoms of TOS occur in patients who are young, active, and otherwise healthy. Whereas some of the conditions confused with this condition occur in less healthy patients, TOS often seems to come up out of nowhere in otherwise healthy individuals.

The less common vascular type of TOS may cause swelling of the arm (venous TOS) or paleness and cold intolerance of the extremity (arterial TOS). However, the most common symptoms for neurogenic TOS include:

  • Tingling in discomfort in the fingers

  • Weakness and pain in shoulder and arm

  • Arm that feels heavy and tires quickly

  • Atrophy of the pad of the thumb

Many tests can be performed, however abnormal test results may or may not be evident. The most important step in diagnosis is a careful history and physical examination by a physician familiar with this condition. Tests often done include x-rays, MRIs, nerve conduction studies, and vascular studies. One of the most useful tests is selective injections to determine the location of the compression of the nerve.

Diagnosing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The most challenging aspect of thoracic outlet syndrome is that it is a difficult condition to diagnose. Most patients with TOS have been diagnosed with another, if not several other, conditions along the way. Often many tests have been performed and treatments have been attempted without success.

Some of the common problems that may produce symptoms similar to TOS include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome or cubital tunnel syndrome

  • Herniated cervical disc

  • Rotator cuff problems

Some patients have been told they have a psychosomatic illness or fibromyalgia. Other patients, who have not found relief from their symptoms of arm or shoulder pain, may find this diagnosis yet not have the condition. My best advice is to find a physician who understands this condition and is willing to work with them as seldom is the management of TOS quick and easy.

Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

TOS can be difficult to diagnose and is relatively uncommon, and therefore, it may take a long time to discover it is the cause of your symptoms. Many patients with TOS visit a number of doctors of different specialties and have many tests before being definitively diagnosed with TOS.

Most patients can find relief with non-surgical treatment. The common steps include resting (especially after trauma-induced TOS), avoiding specific physical activities that cause symptoms, and physical therapy. Injections into the muscles around the clavicle may relieve symptoms if the muscle is the cause of the TOS.

Surgery is generally reserved for those with persistent symptoms, or in cases of vascular TOS which can be more of an emergency situation. Fortunately, most patients can find relief without having to take that step.


Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, and ingling in the upper extremities. Most cases are from trauma, however repetitive stress can also cause TOS. Most patients can employ a mix of physical therapy, rest, and injections to treat the underlying cause of TOS. In extreme cases surgery might be an option. If you think you might be experiencing symptoms of TOS, consult a healthcare provider.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.