Third of bosses avoid hiring women who could have children soon

Research has found a third of UK bosses discriminate against women of child bearing age - iStockphoto
Research has found a third of UK bosses discriminate against women of child bearing age - iStockphoto

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A third of bosses in the UK have admitted to discriminating against female candidates who they fear "might start a family soon". 

Research from employment lawfirm Slater and Gordon appears to confirm fears that businesses favour men in the hiring process and that some bosses believe having children affects how women perform at work

In a survey of 501 managers of small and medium sized British businesses, 28 per cent said they have or would avoid hiring a woman for a role if they had recently become engaged or married. A similar number said they would or have done the same for women with young children. 

A further 15 per cent confessed to having broken sex discrimination laws when hiring, according to the research from Slater and Gordon 

"The full extent of the problem is really worrying," said Remziye Ozcan, employment lawyer at Slater Gordon. "Women may suspect they've been discriminated against at job interviews, but in many cases they will never know for sure.

"This research shows that it's not paranoia, it's in fact prejudice and discrimination, which is still deeply entrenched in the workforce and something that women face every day." 

As many as 40 per cent of those surveyed said they believe men are more committed to their jobs and 37 per cent would advertise men-only jobs if the law permitted it. 

The figures echoed separate research from the Equality and Human Rights Commission earlier this year, which found a third of senior decision makers thought it was acceptable to ask women about their plans regarding children at the recruitment stage. Nearly 60 per cent wrongly believed women had to disclose if they were already pregnant when applying for a job.  

"This discrimination also affects women generally – those who don't plan to have children or already have children – as it is about attitudes and stereotypes to women generally," said Ozcan. 

She added: "A huge shift needs to take place before women feel they are not penalised for wanting both a career and children."

The employment lawyer urged women to learn their rights and know that it is illegal to discriminate against people for being pregnant, breastfeeding or having recently given birth.

Those who believe they have been the victim of prejudicial behaviour have three months in which to take legal action. Campaigners are pushing to have this time limit extended. 

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