This Site Thinks It Can Guess Your Next Vacation Based on Your Name

What’s in a name? It could signify your family heritage, the decade in which you were born or what your parents’ interests were. Turns out, it could also describe where you should travel next, according to On the Go Tours, the guys behind a travel calculator that uses first names to figure out where someone is more likely to travel.

How it works: Using recently compiled data from travel bookings made under more than 100,000 names, the company put together an analysis of their 400 most popular tours. So, unfortunately, if your name isn’t one of the top 400 for male or female names, you’re outta luck. (See: the author of this article.)

But we had fun typing our friends’ names into the generator and then screenshotting them the results. “Jenna! You’re twice as likely to go to Peru!” “Georgias are 100 percent more likely to go Iceland.”

Hey, G, we’re booking a trip to Reykjavik, stat.

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