Things to Do Before Getting Pregnant, According to Experts

Are you ready to try for a baby? Check out these tips for getting pregnant, which came directly from reproductive endocrinologists and fertility specialists.

Medically reviewed by Jessie Rubin, MD

The journey toward conception can be exciting, but it also can be overwhelming, and filled with uncertainty. Research shows that one in six couples experience an unwanted delay in trying to conceive, and the efforts to time everything perfectly can be stressful. Even if you're not at the active part of trying to conceive yet, just thinking about the process can feel daunting.

We turned to some experts to learn more about what people can do ahead of time to best prepare for pregnancy and optimize their bodies for health. Ahead, learn some expert- and research-backed tips for getting ready for pregnancy.

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Consider Getting Preconception Counseling

About 60 to 90 days before you're ready to start trying to conceive, consider making an appointment with an OB-GYN or health care provider. "They will discuss your reproductive goals, screen you for conditions such as anemia that might need treatment, and consider alternatives to any prescription or over-the-counter medications you take," says Kelly Pagidas, MD, a fertility specialist with Women & Infants Center for Reproduction and Infertility in Providence, and an associate professor at Brown University Medical School. Clearing any issues upfront can prevent delays down the road, when your fertility might be declining due to diminished quality and quantity of eggs that happens naturally with age.

Schedule Your Annual Exams

In addition to your Pap smear, mammogram (if they apply), and regular physical, make sure to visit the dentist regularly for cleanings. Certain infections may not be treatable while you're pregnant and could result in reproductive delays. "Some research suggests that gum disease may cause more complications later in pregnancy," Dr. Pagidas says.

Learn Your Family History if You Can

If you're able to access your family history, it can prove to be beneficial and help inform your own pregnancy journey. Find out how easily your birthing relatives got pregnant, and if there's a family history of hereditary medical conditions. "If you or your partner have Jewish, French Canadian, or Hispanic ancestry, for example, or a family history of Down syndrome, you may want to seek genetic counseling before trying," says Steven R. Bayer, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist at Boston IVF fertility clinic in Boston. "It's much better to find out if you're both carriers of complications like cystic fibrosis before you conceive."



Get Up to Date on Your Vaccines

Make sure all your shots are updated—particularly those for COVID-19, German measles, chicken pox, and influenza—before trying to get pregnant. "You're at higher risk of complications if you get sick during pregnancy, and some vaccines are not safe during pregnancy," Dr. Bayer says. If you have any questions, be sure to talk to a health care provider about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Check Your Thyroid Levels

Consider going to a health care provider for a screening to check your thyroid levels. "We're seeing increasing numbers of women whose thyroid is very subtly under-functioning," says Jani Jensen, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist and assistant professor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. "A slight dysfunction could lead to difficulty becoming pregnant or miscarriage."

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If You Have a Partner, Ask Them to Get Screened, Too

If you're having a baby with a partner with a male reproductive system, you'll want to ensure they're healthy too. "It makes sense to do a basic semen analysis when you start trying," says Alan Copperman, MD, director of Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York and co-director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Early testing can also give you a heads-up if your partner is experiencing andropause, a permanent reduction in sex hormones.

Time Your Conception Just Right

If you're having penis-in-vagina sex in efforts to create a baby, consider the fact that you'll need to time it correctly. "Once an egg is released, it can only be fertilized for somewhere between 12 and 24 hours," says Angela Chaudhari, MD, a gynecologic surgeon and assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

On the other hand, sperm can survive in the reproductive tract for up to five days. That's why it's best to start having sex well before you ovulate. A study published in Fertility and Sterility showed that the day with the highest chance of baby-making success was the one right before ovulation. This rule can apply if you're aiming to conceive in other ways as well, such as LGBTQ+ couples who are having a baby via IUI.

Take Care With Vaginal Lubricants

Many commonly used water-based lubricants can inhibit sperm movement. If you want to use lube, choose one marketed as "sperm-friendly" or "fertility-friendly."

Consider Using an Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK)

Doctors previously relied on basal body temperature to predict ovulation. "It only tells you once you've already ovulated, which is too late. Plus taking your temperature daily often adds stress," Dr. Bayer explains. An ovulation predictor kit (OPK) is now the recommended method. OPKs monitor luteinizing hormone (LH), which surges shortly before ovulation. "Once it turns positive, you want to have sex in the next 24 to 36 hours" for the best chance of baby-making success, Dr. Bayer says.

Related: The 10 Best Period and Ovulation Tracker Apps

Be Aware of Your Caffeine Intake

While a daily cup of java is just fine, you may want to consider the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommendation to limit caffeine intake to 200 milligrams per day during pregnancy, which is equivalent to about two cups of coffee. Soda, tea, and energy drinks count, too. "Half the time I see patients totally forgetting about the monster power energy drinks they're consuming," Dr. Pagidas says.

Reduce Exposure to Cigarette and Marijuana Smoke

"We already know that smoking clearly impacts blood supply to ovaries and results in a more exponential loss of eggs," Dr. Ryley says. But passive smoke has been linked to increased pregnancy complications as well. There's really no safe level of exposure, so limit your time around family members, friends, or coworkers who won't kick butt. Along those lines, studies—like the one published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal—have shown that marijuana might negatively impact female fertility.

Get Your Blood Pumping With Regular Exercise

Exercise is a great idea any time, but especially if you're looking tog et pregnant. "The rule is 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five to six days per week, both before and during pregnancy," Dr. Chaudhari says. Some doctors suspect that super high-impact workouts might hinder conception, as very athletic people tend to have irregular periods. But if you're at a healthy weight and have regular cycles, don't feel you need to give up that intense Spin class you love.

Limit Your Exposure to Radiation

There's not a lot of data about what happens when people go through newer security scanners at the airport. TSA says they're safe for pregnant people, but "because we don't know the cumulative effects of repeated exposure, I recommend frequent flyers do a security pat-down instead to minimize any radiation that could affect reproduction," Dr. Chaudhari says.

Don't Douche

If you regularly use douching products, consider taking a pause while trying to conceive. "We discourage it—not because you're flushing out the sperm, but because it makes the environment in your vagina less hospitable to them," Dr. Pagidas says. Douching has also been linked to an increased risk of vaginal infection (bacterial vaginosis), pelvic inflammatory disease, and pregnancy complications like preterm birth and ectopic pregnancy. It's also smart to limit the use of scented tampons and vaginal sprays.

Engage in Certain Beauty Treatments Sparingly

Some research suggests that people who work in nail and hair salons—with frequent exposure to chemical fumes such as acetone—had a lower chance of achieving pregnancy and a higher chance of miscarriage and even birth defects, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). An occasional mani-pedi or highlights shouldn't be harmful to the average person. "Just make sure the salon is well-ventilated and wear a respirator mask if you're really concerned," Dr. Chaudhari says. If you are unsure if a certain beauty procedure is safe while trying to conceive, be sure to consult a health care provider.

Talk to a Health Care Provider About Fertility Concerns

While there's some factors about conception that are within one's control, there are several others that are not. Try not to put extra pressure on yourself when it comes to the pieces of conception that are outside the realm of what you can control. That said, if you have specific questions, concerns, or worries about your fertility, be sure to reach out to an OB-GYN or health care provider. Together, you can decide what course of action is best for you.

Related: Yes, Pregnancy Tests Can Expire. Here's What to Know.

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