Thick-Cut Bread Is Actually A Huge Mistake In Your Stuffing

rustic bread displayed on paper
rustic bread displayed on paper - Fcafotodigital/Getty Images

As beautiful as an intricately scored artisanal loaf of bread can be, trying to preserve those details is not the best approach as you prepare your favorite stuffing recipes. The most satisfying versions offer easily chewable spoonfuls of ingredients that provide a variety of textures as well as flavors. As stuffing is all about achieving a balance of these two things, in the former case, it's useful to know how best to cube your bread slices to achieve it.

Basically, any bread type will do, but you have to be mindful of how you season the dish and how generously to add broth given your choice. Bread with tighter crumbs and a subtle sweetness like challah and brioche can add richness, while denser, more rustic loaves are good for their pleasant bite and soaking up liquids as the other ingredients cook. But in either case, the bread pieces must be the right size. Ideally, try to slice one-inch squares of dried-out bread and match cuts for the rest of your ingredients accordingly. The size of the bread included in your stuffing should complement the overall dish -- too big and they're cumbersome to eat and easily dry out, too small and they become soggy, mealy crumbs.

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Measuring Out Pieces For Optimal Texture And Taste

stuffing served in dish
stuffing served in dish - Bhofack2/Getty Images

Though stuffing recipes are a great opportunity to experiment, the texture and taste of your recipes remain key features, regardless of how you decide to season and prepare your ingredients. While you can still reach for that beautifully made bread round you picked up from the local farmer's market or set the artisan bread you worked so hard to perfect onto your cutting block, slice your loaf carefully if it's destined for stuffing.

When properly prepared, a satisfying stuffing recipe will complement the other dishes served during your meal; a poorly made dish, however, can distract from the rest of the menu. As tempting as it might be to pack thicker pieces of almond-encrusted whole wheat loaves into the bird and among your other dishes, bigger chunks of bread can easily steal the limelight from the aromatic ingredients in your stuffing. Instead of tossing in sizeable chunks of sourdough into your mixing bowl, ensure that the bite-sized pieces you include showcase the more delicate flavors of your favorite seasonal side.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.