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These Keurig cleaning pods are less than $2 a pop: 'Got so much nasty stuff out I didn't know I was missing'

Cleaning your Keurig coffee machine is actually easy — and cheap.

Pop quiz! When was the last time you remembered to clean your Keurig coffee machine? If it's been a while, you may have noticed your coffee doesn't taste quite as fresh as it used to. Of course, you should be cleaning any reusable parts after every use and doing a deeper clean monthly, but if it's been a little bit since the last scrub, don't panic. There's actually a very easy (and affordable) way to get the job done — Quick & Clean Keurig Cleaning Pods! And speaking of cleaning up: A 6-pack is less than $10 on Amazon.

This pack includes six cleaning pods that provide up to three months of cleaning power.

$10 at Amazon

Quick & Clean Keurig Cleaning Pods work just like your regular, coffee-making pods. You place one in the pod holder, set to brew the largest cup size possible, remove the cleaning pod when the brewing cycle is complete and toss the pod and the resulting liquid. After that, you just run another large-cup brew cycle with only hot water through your Keurig to give your machine a good rinse. FYI: While powerful, the solution inside of these pods is non-toxic, biodegradable and gentle, so you can clean your Keurig without any worries.

These pods work to wash away any built-up coffee grounds and residue from past brews. Not only will that mean cleaner, better tasting morning joe for you, according to the product description, "residue built up in the pack holder, funnel and exit needle can eventually cause damage to your machine." Tasty coffee and a longer life span for your Keurig? It's a win-win!

If you're coffee tastes funky, it might be your machine — not your pods! (Amazon)
If your daily grind's gotten a little grotty, it might be your machine — not your pods! (Amazon)

Amazon shoppers can't get enough of the Quick & Clean Keurig Cleaning Pods. In fact, more than 36,000 reviewers have given them five stars.

Said one pleased customer, "I run a water cleanse regularly to clear out grounds, but this pod got so much nasty stuff out I didn't know I was missing. It worked really well and was super easy to use."

"Wow! These pods are great," testified this java junkie. "After using the first one, the water that came out of my Keurig was as black as a cup of coffee. I rinsed it through as recommended, then decided to use another — entirely my idea, never suggested. That rinse water looked a lot better, like very light caramel. I rinsed a couple of more times until the water became clear. I also changed the filter inside the water container. My next cup of coffee was so delicious!"

This shopper suggests a particularly thorough rinse might be in order: "This product works well. It took three times to get the taste out of coffee, but the idea was right on."

If you have a Keurig, what are you waiting for? Bring home a 6-pack of the Quick & Clean Keurig Cleaning Pods ASAP!

These pods couldn't be simpler to use, and they provide a mess-free way to clean your Keurig.

$10 at Amazon

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The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.