These Cabins Will Make You Want Move to the Woods

For some people who get stuck into a vicious social media loop or have sore eyes from staring at their smartphones for 10 hours straight, the Cabin Porn blog has been a somewhat less high-tech escape. It appeals to our inner Thoreau with achingly beautiful scenes of isolated cabins in remote locations. But you still had to look at a screen to enjoy it.

Now you can lose yourself or even find inspiration for your own DIY retreat without a Wi-Fi connection by getting the Cabin Porn book, released this week. It’s authored by blog founder Zach Klein, who of course is a tech CEO as the co-founder of the video-streaming site Vimeo. With co-author Steven Leckart and photographer Noah Kalina, it includes 250 photos of cabins from around the world and from all types of architecture, from uber-rustic to modern to something you’d put on top of your compact car.

Klein doesn’t just fantasize about unplugging in a natural habitat; he’s also built his own sanctuary at Beaver Brook in upstate New York. From there he runs the Beaver Brook School, which teaches cabin-building techniques.

“A mass culture of multitasking has emerged, stoked by our always-online habits,” Klein told Yahoo Travel when asked about what’s behind his blog’s success. “Seeing cabins situated in solitude renews our resolve to make more time to spend outside, to do nothing.”

Related: I Quit My Job and Built a Tiny House So I Could Travel

Along with previously published cabins, the book’s creators sought out 10 cabins to feature. But it wasn’t just about who had the snazziest digs.

“Zach and I spent months discussing which stories we wanted to tell,” Leckart told Yahoo Travel. “It was important to find folks who had hand-built their structures themselves. We were instantly charmed by beginners who had learned by doing, and people we knew would share their follies as well as their successes. There isn’t a builder in the book who doesn’t confess to struggling at some point along the way.” 

Click through this slideshow for some of the cabins featured in the book. You might be inspired to build a cabin of your own.