There's a New Version of the Keto Diet That You Might Actually Be Able to Stick To

Photo credit: tbralnina - Getty Images
Photo credit: tbralnina - Getty Images

From Prevention

You may not have heard much about the South Beach Diet in the past decade, but this modified low-carb diet is back in the news with an even lower carb sibling. Launched in early 2019, the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan caters to dieters who are interested in following the keto diet, which restricts carbs in favor of healthy fats.

Fortunately, if you're already following the South Beach Diet or are familiar with it, it has many similarities with the keto diet in that both plans are low-carb and encourage you to load up on protein and fat. As a registered dietitian, I always want to know about the new diets people are talking about, so I dove further to find what the new South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan is all about. Here's what I learned.

What is the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan?

Like the original diet-which was created by Aruthur Agatston, MD, a cardiologist based in South Beach, Miami-the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan is broken down into phases: phase 1 and phase 2. On phase 1, fruit, starchy vegetables, and whole grains are off-limits to help your body "reboot" and switch to a fat-burning state, also known as ketosis. During phase 1, you can consume up to 40 grams of net carbs per day (most keto diets involve consuming fewer than 20 or 30 grams of net carbs daily).

In case you're not familiar with how to calculate net carbs, you simply subtract dietary fiber and sugar alcohols from the total amount of carbohydrates. For example, if a granola bar has 16 grams of carbohydrates, seven grams of fiber, and five grams of sugar, the total net carbs would be four. However, it's important to note that certain sugar alcohols, such as erythritol, xylitol, mannitol, and lactitol, don't count toward net carbs.

After seven days on phase 1, you'll move onto phase 2 of the plan, in which you'll continue to eat lean protein, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables. The main difference is that you'll increase your net carb intake to no more than 50 grams daily. This means you can swap a lean protein with a "good carb" as a snack for an occasional treat. You would still need to keep your daily net carb intake to 50 grams or less, in order to maintain ketosis.

South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan vs. Keto Diet

Most strict keto diets require as little as 20 grams of net carbs per day and only allow low-to-moderate protein consumption, ensuring your body transitions into ketosis and stays there to sustain weight loss.

Because the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan has a more lenient net carb consumption and high lean protein intake, entering a state of ketosis isn't always guaranteed. However, limiting your carb intake during both phases of the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan will likely lead to weight loss, while avoiding the negative side effects of ketosis, like the keto flu, fatigue, and constipation.

Another big difference between the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan and the keto diet is the type of fat you're allowed to consume. Traditional keto diets allow all types of fat, including saturated fats like butter, lard, and fatty cuts of meat. On the other hand, the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan highly recommends you eat only healthy fats, such as mono- and polyunsaturated fats from extra-virgin olive oil, avocados, and nuts, as well as sources of lean protein.

Does the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan work?

Since the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan just launched, there isn't much research around its effectiveness for weight loss and positive health outcomes. That said, some research suggests that following a low-carb diet, such as the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan, burns more calories for weight loss than high-carb diets. This could be the result of people having greater satiety with a diet that's higher in fat and protein.

Moreover, a June 2018 study from Pediatrics showed that a very low-carb diet could help children and adults with type 1 diabetes better manage their glucose levels. What's more, a January 2015 study from Nutrition reveals that low-carb diets are effective for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

What to eat on the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan

Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan emphasizes eating lean protein (seafood, fish, eggs, lean beef, poultry, and cheese), healthy fats (extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, nuts and nut butter), and three servings of non-starchy vegetables per day (leafy greens, broccoli, celery, and summer squash). You should limit your net carb intake to 40 grams per day during this phase.

Sample phase 1 menu

Breakfast: South Beach Diet Phase 1 breakfast with one lean protein or 1 lean protein and 1 healthy fat, such as these breakfast tacos

Morning snack: 1 lean protein

Lunch: 1 lean protein and 1 healthy fat, like this homemade calzone with cauliflower crust

Afternoon snack:1 healthy fat

Dinner: 1 lean protein and 1 healthy fat. Try these stuffed peppers

Evening snack: 1 lean protein

Phase 2 of the plan is similar to phase 1, but with a little more flexibility. While you'll still focus on eating lean proteins, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables, you can enjoy up to 50 grams of net carbs per day, which allows room for an occasional good carb. Good carbs are defined as those full of fiber and minimal amounts of sugars and refined grains.

Sample phase 2 menu

Breakfast: South Beach Diet Phase 1 breakfast with 1 lean protein or 1 lean protein and 1 healthy fat. Check out this smoked salmon omelet

Morning snack: 1 lean protein

Lunch: 1 lean protein and 1 healthy fat, like this breadless ham and cheese sandwich

Afternoon snack: 1 healthy fat

Dinner: 1 lean protein and 1 healthy fat. Try this mixed greens salad with steak

Evening snack: 1 lean protein or 1 good carb, like this chocolate avocado pudding

To learn more about what you you should eat on the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan, download this keto-friendly grocery guide. The South Beach Diet also offers pre-made keto-friendly meals, shakes, and bars, which you can order on the site.

What are the drawbacks of the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan?

Before you go hopping on this diet train, keep in mind that the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan is still quite restrictive and may be hard to sustain. Strict diets can lead to increased preferences for foods that aren't allowed, which could result in overindulging if you're faced with those foods. Eliminating starchy vegetables, grains, and fruit can also lead to nutrient deficiencies as well as constipation, headaches, and fatigue. There is also limited research regarding the long-term effects and health risks of following a lower-carbohydrate, higher-fat diet.

How to get started on the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan

Meal planning is key to success on the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan. Start with phase 1 of the diet and follow the keto-friendly grocery guide to help you plan your meals and snacks. Be sure you're eating a well-rounded diet with plenty of non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats to ensure you're getting a proper amount nutrients and fiber daily. Remember that you need to stick no more than 40 grams of net carbs daily, so as you're prepping your meals, calculate the net carbs.

The South Beach Diet keto-friendly grocery guide outlines the total net carbs of most approved foods. As you transition to phase 2, you can increase your net carb intake to up to 50 grams, with an occasional good carb treat after dinner. Just remind yourself that a good carb is, indeed, a treat so it doesn't give you license to enjoy one every day.

Should you try the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan?

If you’re curious about trying the keto diet or a version of a low-carb diet, the South Beach Diet Keto-Friendly Plan may be a good option to explore. Since ketosis is not a focal point of the South Beach Keto Plan, it may be easier to stick to than a more restrictive keto diet.

However, it’s important to be aware that both diets restrict the intake of starchy vegetables, grains, breads, and most fruits, which may be hard to sustain long-term. There is also limited research regarding the long-term health effects of a low-carb, high-fat diet, so if you choose to follow such a diet, proceed with caution.

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