'Orange is the New Black' Prison Restaurant

Because clearly the Saved By The Bell themed restaurant in Chicago wasn’t enough, now there’s another restaurant inspired by a hit TV show. On June 16 and 17, Netflix is taking over Singapore's restaurant OverEasy and turning it into Litchfield Penitentiary Cafeteria from Orange is the New Black.

Local chef Bjorn Shen has crafted a themed menu with prison dishes—including Nutraloaf, a three-course meal blended into liquid and then baked.

"Since this is not real prison, I've made this dish look and feel like a Nutraloaf, but taste much better," Shen told Mashable. "Mine's made of mushrooms, cheddar, quinoa, pumpkin and nori."

Each course, naturally, is served on plastic trays. You can book a spot online at Chope.