There’s a Lunar Eclipse Happening on January 10th and It’s Gonna Rock Your World

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

From Cosmopolitan

Every month, the consistent cycle of the Moon waxes and wanes from the darkness of the New Moon into the bright and shiny Full Moon. This 28-day orbit is steady and consistent...except when something ~peculiar~ happens.

You see, three to seven times each year, the Moon reaches the upper and lower boundaries of its orbit—known as the Lunar Nodes—and perfectly aligns with the Sun and Moon. In astrology, the North and South Lunar Nodes are considered the Nodes of Fate. The South Node reveals our past karma, while the North Node exposes our spiritual destiny. Casual! Since eclipses activate these nodes, they are significant to our future. And at 2:21 p.m. on January 10th, the Sun in Capricorn will face off with the Moon in Cancer, forming a powerful lunar eclipse at precisely 20 degrees., Like, What’s Gonna Happen?

An eclipse isn’t a cosmic one-night stand. Eclipses are serial, meaning they cultivate narratives that unfold over time, so the best way to understand this lunation is to look to the past.

This upcoming lunar eclipse is actually the sixth installment of an eight-part series that began way back in 2018. Think back to previous eclipses since that time: January 12th, 2018; January 5th, 2019; July 2nd, 2019; July 16th, 2019; and, most recently, December 26th, 2019. Can you track any important, consistent themes associated with these moments in time? Were you moving through a breakup? Graduating from school? Leaving a toxic work environment?

(Pro tip: Eclipse energy can be felt three weeks before and after the exact cosmic alignment, so consider events that were occurring seasonally as opposed to on the exact date.)

By looking back to previous eclipses in the series, you’ll have a better understanding of how this January 10th lunation will propel you forward. One of the most remarkable aspects of eclipses is that they speed up time—eclipses open new doors by slamming others shut. The important thing to remember here is that whatever happens during an eclipse was destined—the eclipse merely perpetuated the inevitable.

So if you happen to find yourself facing new, unexpected challenges in January, don’t fret. The lunar eclipse is simply trying to get you back on track so you reach your fullest potential. Eclipses may not be delicate, but tough love is necessary every now and then!

Oh, P.S. This Isn’t the Final Chapter

There are still two eclipses left in this Cancer-Capricorn eclipse series, on June 21st and July 5th. Let January 10th’s lunar eclipse serve as a well-deserved reminder that you may not have everything figured out quite yet—but that’s totally okay! Right now, the best thing you can do is focus on everything you’ve already achieved. You’ve grown so much since 2018. By the time these eclipses finally conclude, absolutely everything will be different! Embrace the change. After all, a brand-new decade is just getting started. Let 2020 be the best year yet!

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