"There's Enough There" -Mountain Biker Seconds Before Misjudging Speed On Jump

When building a jump, it can be very hard to make sure the physics of it will work. The results of a miscalculation can be disastrous.

One Rider made such a miscalculation. Watch Tom Cardy Guinea Pig a feature at his house, a place he calls the Tompound.

Tom Built up a large wooden lip that gaps over a bush. The gap is pretty blind, and he can’t see over it until he is up on the lip.

His first attempt ended in a bone-rattling case. Tom absolutely slammed. Thinking it was an issue with speed he came into it with more. Unfortunately, he suffered the same result.

That is proof that he misjudged the feature in the building process. Since it is a wooden feature, it is no big deal to move it forward to his liking.

In the subsequent video, Tom did just that. Watch him successfully clear it below.

This video is a testament to the skill of freeriders. Many of them build their own features and with skill and experience alone are able to make them run on the first go. Like all other skills, it is a tough one to master but very important when building jumps.

Related: Reece Wallace Previews His World-Class Backyard Mountain Bike Course

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