How a Therapist's Comment Made This Mom See Her Chaotic Home in a Whole New Light

A mom blogger known for her honest take on parenting has gone viral with another powerful Facebook post about feeling like she's barely hanging on to her sanity. But a fresh point of view changes Australia-based Contance Hall's mind, and she ultimately encourages other parents to also consider what is going on in their homes in a new way.

Hall begins her post by explaining that a child therapist she knows recently looked at her kids and told her she was such a good mom.

"Feeling like a total fraud I blurted, 'I don't feel like a good mum. The kids are driving me so crazy, I'm losing my temper and falling asleep at night wondering where I'm going got get the patients [sic] for another day,'" Hall confesses.

Here is how the therapist responded:

"Babies cry, it's how they communicate. Toddlers scream, children whinge and teenagers complain. Then mums say the words 'for f-ck's sake under their breath before every responding. It's how we communicate. But guess what Con? It's better then silence."

The therapist went on to explain how a house full of noisy, bickering kids and a parent pushed past her limit is a healthy one. "It's the silent children, the scared toddlers, the teenagers that don't come home and the parents who aren't in communication with their children that I worry about."

The doctor also joked that kids don't drive you crazy; you were already crazy enough to have them! Hall ends her post by reminding other parents they are doing a good job, even if they may not feel like they are.

Her post comes at a good time for me, when I'm pregnant, hormonal, and pretty much living on what feels like the edge of a cliff, managing my already busy life with three kids. I guess the important thing to remember is that despite the craziness, I am trying. Very hard! And yes, there may be more raised voices, more tears (all mine), and a bit more chaos than usual under our roof, but I still love my family so much, and am committed to getting through this crazy time... to another crazy time, when we'll welcome a newborn into our home.


We'll never enjoy the sound of silence again!

Melissa Willets is a writer/blogger and soon-to-be mom of 4. Find her on Facebook and Instagram where she chronicles her life momming under the influence. Of yoga.